
Marveling at God's Grand Design: A Humble Reflection on Human Size in the Cosmos

Marveling at God’s Grand Design: A Humble Reflection on Human Size in the Cosmos

February 4, 2024 |

Our celebration of love, usually draws our attention to matters of the heart. In a similar vein, contemplating the vastness of the cosmos can lead us to appreciate the grandeur of God’s Grand Design and His boundless love for us. As we explore the relative size of human beings compared to heavenly bodies, we’ll be guided by the inspiring words of Psalms 8:3-6 and other scriptures. The Marvel of Proportions – God’s Grand Design Psalms 8:3-6 (ESV) declares, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” This sentiment echoes as we consider the sheer vastness of the cosmos. Graphical Representation – God’s Grand Design To aid our understanding, See below, a captivating video by Global Data, showcasing…    read more 

Flowers in The Bible: Their Beauty and Symbolism

Flowers in The Bible: Their Beauty and Symbolism

December 29, 2023 |

Welcome to a journey through the lush gardens of the Bible, where flowers in the bible bloom with profound symbolism and offer us glimpses of God’s awe-inspiring creation. Each petal whispers a story, each bloom a testament to the divine artistry that surrounds us. Join me as we explore the bounty and beauty of God’s garden. 1. Lily (Lilium): In the Song of Solomon, we encounter the Lily, symbolizing purity and beauty. “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys” (Song of Solomon 2:1). Like the Lily, may our lives bloom with the fragrance of righteousness. 2. Rose (Rosa): Isaiah paints a poetic picture of the wilderness rejoicing and blossoming. “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom” (Isaiah 35:1-2). The Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the valleys, symbols of Christ’s beauty and love, grace these verses….    read more 

Wash My Feet and Heart

Wash My Feet and Heart

December 27, 2023 |

In the Gospel of John, we encounter a profound moment that speaks volumes about humility, servanthood, and the transformative power of love. In John 13:3-15 (ESV), we witness Jesus, the Son of God, taking on the role of a humble servant as he washes the feet of his disciples. This act not only serves as a practical demonstration of cleansing but also holds deep spiritual significance. Understanding the Cultural Context To fully appreciate the weight of this gesture, it’s crucial to consider the cultural context of Jesus’ time. In ancient Israel, the climate and terrain often left feet dusty and soiled. It was customary for individuals, upon entering a home, to remove their sandals and have their feet washed. In wealthier households, this task was typically assigned to servants. The act of footwashing was not only a practical necessity but also a symbol of hospitality and respect. The Power of…    read more 

Do Not Worry: Trusting in God's Providence"

Do Not Worry: Trusting in God’s Providence”

December 26, 2023 |

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, the commandment to “not worry” may seem easier said than done. Yet, as Christians, we are called to trust in the Lord’s providence and find solace in His promises. Matthew 6:26 (ESV) serves as a powerful reminder of God’s care for His creation: “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Fluffy Pastel Bird Images were created on NightCafe Trusting in God’s Provision: This verse encourages us to reflect on the simple yet profound truth that God, as our heavenly Father, cares for His creation. The imagery of birds, which do not toil for their sustenance but are still provided for by God, reminds us that we, as children of God, are of much greater value to Him. This…    read more 

Cinematic Brilliance and Cosmic Reflections

Cinematic Brilliance and Cosmic Reflections: Unpacking ‘A Beautiful Mind’ and Life’s Wonders

December 25, 2023 |

The blog post by Bible Box Office, titled “What Can A Beautiful Mind Teach Us About Life?” invites readers on a captivating journey through the cosmic wonders inspired by the movie “A Beautiful Mind.” The introduction seamlessly integrates personal experiences, the movie clip featuring John Nash, and a profound exploration of the night sky. The author skillfully connects the beauty of nature with a broader philosophical and theological reflection, pondering the vastness of the universe and the age-old question of existence. By incorporating scientific facts about stars and galaxies, the post not only captures the reader’s imagination but also prompts contemplation about the source of creation, skillfully tying scientific wonder to spiritual awe. The engaging narrative style, coupled with the infusion of relevant biblical verses, sets the stage for a thought-provoking exploration of life’s mysteries and the awe-inspiring nature of the Creator. “Bible Box Office’s blog post, ‘What Can A…    read more 

How to tell the truth

How To Tell The Truth

August 9, 2023 |

“How To Tell The Truth: A Lesson From Meet The Parents” by Prince Omar, offers a thoughtful exploration of the delicate balance between honesty and compassion. Drawing inspiration from the comedic movie “Meet the Parents“, the post dives into the relatable scenarios where truth-telling can lead to uncomfortable situations. The writer effectively weaves personal anecdotes, biblical references, and cinematic humor to emphasize the importance of delivering the truth with love and tact. By sharing relatable instances of difficult conversations, like addressing bad breath or providing feedback on cooking skills, the author grounds the narrative in everyday experiences. The post’s integration of scriptural passages from Ephesians and Colossians adds depth to the message, highlighting the significance of love and grace when communicating truth. By intertwining entertainment and spiritual insights, Prince Omar successfully imparts the wisdom that speaking the truth is an art that demands sensitivity and consideration of others’ feelings. –…    read more 

Looking Beyond the Surface: Shrek and God's Perspective

Looking Beyond the Surface: A Reflection on Shrek and God’s Perspective

July 3, 2023 |

Discover the profound wisdom hidden within a section of the beloved “Shrek” movie in Prince Omar’s latest blog post. Join Prince Omar on a captivating journey alongside Shrek and Donkey as they delve into the inherent tendency to judge others based on appearances and the far-reaching impact of such judgments on individuals and society. Through the lens of this iconic film and biblical teachings, uncover timeless lessons that challenge us to see beyond the surface and recognize the true worth that resides within each soul. As we break free from the confines of superficial judgments, let us embrace the beauty of inner character and the transformative power of looking at people from God’s perspective. The blog, “What Can Shrek Teach Us About Life?“, explores how our brains instinctively make rapid judgments as a means of survival. However, this snap decision-making can perpetuate negative stereotypes and prejudices, leading to harmful consequences….    read more 


2014 Resolution: To Think More Critically

What is it about a new year that prompts us to make resolutions? What grounds  justifies this annual pastime beyond empty traditionalism and wishful thinking? Just think about it, what really makes the last day of 2013 drastically different from the 1st day of 2014 to warrant resolutions? Try making sense of the difference between any two successive days beyond our conventional name change and day-related routines without mumbling “well, aahm, you see, I, I, my, my…” The future is uncertain and puzzling and each of us is largely unpredictable in terms of behavior. Desire is not the same as ability to perform so what’s the real value of new year’s resolution as opposed to any other day’s resolutions? One thing I would hope we all resolve to do for life is to think about issues more critically, that is to apply the basic principles of logic in any argument…    read more 


My Faith

November 8, 2012 |

My faith is too big for fear. I’ve seen you move the mountains, I have only to glance behind to see all you’ve done for me. I’ve tasted and seen that you are good and your love for me endures, never lessens and is gloriously strong. The gripping darkness around has all become a flood of sweet light. Yet I have lost my tongue and my ears are deaf from the noise of you. I cannot taste the succulence of your gentle breath, your melodic and lovely whispers calling me to stand and fight are falling on a deaf ear which longs to hear and come alive. My soul sings a happy song at the mouth of the caves of complacency where inside my name has been scribbled time and time again. My cup is overflowing but I’m drowning in its excess. Oh to return to the mountain side where I fell, where all was darkness and…    read more 


Our Prayer Life is Our Christian Life

October 16, 2012 |

  Why do we watch YouTube videos? Why do we spend so much time on Facebook and Flickr? Why do we read so many Wikipedia articles? Why do we play our favorite sports and watch our favorite TV shows? Why do we talk to our friends on the phone? Why do we chat? Why do we work? Why do we go shopping? The answer to these questions is either because ‘we want to’ and/or ‘we love to.’ Why do we work? Maybe it’s not because we enjoy our work but because we want to work: we want to make money, and we want to have a career, and we want to have a promotion, and we don’t want to sit home all day long. Why do we play sports? Because we enjoy playing them, we enjoy competing, and we enjoy to spending time with our friends. And we want to be in shape! If…    read more 

Education and MARRIAGE

Education and Marriage Part 3

Recently I went to a wedding and after the wedding my aunt asked me what I was looking for in a wife and I told her, “About four things”, without being specific. She laughed and said, “Only 4 things! I was looking for 40 things!” I am not concerned with my future wife’s education, body type, hair or eye colour, skin colour, ethnic background, or family history. I am not saying physical attraction is not important, it is important because God created us all with different looks and different preferences. And those different preferences help us make decisions; imagine how difficult life would be if you liked all things the same way! But what I am really interested in are: -Her mind: how she thinks; her wisdom; submitting her thoughts to the Lord by making His thoughts her thoughts; rejecting evil thoughts. -Her heart (and I don’t mean that blood…    read more 

Hypocritical Christian Part 2

April 17, 2012 |

There is something else I thought about the other day while walking to work. For years I prayed and cried for something I wanted God to do. But God in His infinite love and wisdom did not give me what I had asked for! If He did allow it to happen then I would have been absolutely miserable for the rest of my life! And you know what? Five years later while I was talking to Him about it I realized He did it because He loved me, and I thanked Him! Five years later I thanked Him! You know, if a stranger holds a public door for me for 2 seconds then I would thank him whole heartedly and without hesitation, yet I waited five years to thank my Savior and Heavenly Father for freeing me from an absolutely miserable life! This is a perfect example of the idolatry…    read more 

Christian Hypocrite Part 1

April 10, 2012 |

At the Jesus in the City parade I decided to take a shortcut: instead of going with the parade around the many downtown city blocks, I decided to take a shortcut and meet the floats on the way back. As I walked through the shortcut I got a bit tired and thirsty so I bought a cool drink. It was a sunny and hot afternoon so soon I was thirsty again and the sweat on my forehead started to bother me. As I reached the end of this shortcut street and met up with the floats of the parade I saw this man who was playing the role of our Lord, Jesus Christ: he was barefoot and wearing minimum clothes under the hot sun. Being tired and annoyed by the heat I immediately thought, “Is he crazy? I would never do that!” Then almost immediately I thought, “Thank God Jesus…    read more 


Persecuted for His Name Part 2

April 2, 2012 |

Christians can be persecuted for not only sharing the truth of Jesus Christ which is rejected by the world, but also for living a holy life. A couple of weeks ago when I wrote about modesty I remembered so many instances when as a child I attended the Roman Catholic church in Iraq where “Christian” women would ridicule a modest woman behind her back saying things such as, “Why is she wearing this? Is she this poor?”, or, “My goodness she has no sense of style!”, or, “She looks so ugly and old wearing this!”, or, “Didn’t she wear this outfit last time?” As the above example shows: often times Christians are persecuted by other “Christians”. My youngest uncle’s wife was born in Egypt to a Christian Coptic Orthodox family. In her second year of medical school she met some born-again youth, and soon after she accepted Jesus Christ as…    read more 

Persecuted for His Name Part 1

Persecuted for His Name Part 1

March 27, 2012 |

For years I wondered, “How does a Christian get persecuted in North America in comparison to other parts of the world like in communist countries or Muslim countries?” When I look at this story of king David dancing I see a godly man persecuted because of his love for God. Persecution does not always express itself through physical pain or death. I will tell you my story: I had a best friend for about 5 years–a Middle Eastern Christian lady—whom I loved dearly. She was, after God, the dearest thing to me (she was definitely more precious to me than my life), and I loved her purely, unconditionally, and sacrificially. I brought her to Christ and she started going to church, and I have no doubt in my mind that her faith is genuine. A couple of years later I fell in love with her. At the time I was…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 4

March 23, 2012 |

When I write I target a very small percentage of Christians. In this writing I am targeting even less–no more than a handful of ladies who are actually seeking to get closer to our Lord, to please Him, to live for Him a holy and blameless life. I am seeking those few ladies who are asking, “What can I do to get closer to Him? What can I do to be more like Him? What can I do to take my faith to the next level.” Let me tell you a story: Few years ago I was working in a warehouse as a general laborer. One day after I finished my lunch I decided to go sit in the warehouse reading my Bible for few minutes before my lunch time is over. So I sat on a box and I opened my Bible and prayed to the Holy Spirit to…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 3

March 13, 2012 |

I am not doubting the sincerity of Christian women’s love for Christ, and so I am not saying that those Christian women who dress immodesty are doing it because they hate Christ. But the Bible does not say we are perishing because our lack of love, no, it says we are perishing because of our lack of knowledge:   “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. ‘Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.’” (Hosea 4:6) Also, when you love someone you have to love that person the way they want and need. For example, if my wife wants to go to a certain restaurant but I take her to the restaurant I like then I have not expressed love toward her. So it is the same with Christ: we…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 2

March 8, 2012 |

Now, here is what I think are some of the reasons immodesty is such a big sensual problem in the church today: 1) I believe, the biggest problem with immodesty is that it is a very well disguised idolatry. Anything that we replace God with to make us feel whole, to fulfill us emotionally, to make us feel wanted and desired, to lift our self-image, to make us reach our goals (such as attracting a husband-to-be), or to make our lives feel complete is an idol. For example, a man does not lust for the sake of lusting: a man lusts because momentary this physically attractive woman makes him feel a satisfaction he hasn’t fulfilled with his relationship to Christ. The same applies to other sins such as getting drunk–nobody gets drunk to make a fool of himself—people get drunk to escape a reality they do not like because they…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 1

March 6, 2012 |

I was so pleased when I saw this group of youth dancing for the Lord on stage at the 2011 Jesus in the City parade in Toronto. I was particularly glad because the dancers were dressed so modestly, and so they looked so beautiful—more beautiful than any lady I have seen in a long while. Sadly, modesty was not the norm at this event: there was a worship group from Ottawa composed of two ladies who were dressed so immodesty that I didn’t photograph them (I didn’t even watch them), because I would’ve been nearly impossible for me as a photographer to edit their photos to make them acceptable with Christianity’s teaching about modesty. There was also another two ladies in the crowd who I avoided standing behind them because they wore such tight pants (both, to avoid temptation and to avoid photographing them), and so you can imagine my…    read more 

I Disagree with Christians

February 29, 2012 |

The Jesus in the City Parade was beautiful; it was beautiful to see so many children of God come together in a public square and have the freedom and right to worship and love their God. But there is something I want to talk about that’s not directly related to this event or this photo. It seems whenever I hear a preacher–whether at church, on radio, or at an event—they all seem to complain about how prayers and scripture reading were taken from public school and how that’s the work of Satan. Well, I disagree with that: first, I don’t think it’s a spiritually bad thing; second, I don’t think it’s the work of Satan—I think it’s the work of God. Here is why I don’t see a problem with that. First, it’s wrong to see Christianity as a state religion. Some preachers say that this country or that country…    read more 


Who Crucified the Lord?

February 16, 2012 |

I took this photo at the Jesus in the City parade in Toronto. At first I wanted to make everything black and white except for the robe of the actor who is portraying our Lord Jesus Christ, then I realized this will make the robe the center of attention so I changed my mind. Here I just want to talk about the crucifixion. In 2004 a non-Christian co-worker told me that he went to watch The Passion of the Christ movie and said it was very brutal then added, “But it wasn’t the worst [physically] torture that anyone had endured.” Of course, he was right: our Lord did not endure the most physical torture in the history of mankind, because some men were crucified for days before they died, many others died more horrible physical deaths. As far as we know the two thieves who were crucified alongside our Lord…    read more 

Enjoying the Simple Pleasures of Praying

February 8, 2012 |

One of my favorite activities is on Saturday morning right after I wake up and pray is to start cleaning my room as good as needed which usually takes about an hour to an hour and a half (yea, I know some people are slow!) Before I clean my room I open the curtains in the apartment and all doors so the apartment is full of the morning light. And turn on a sermon by Dr. Stanley and start cleaning! My room is always organized so I don’t have to put things in place or anything like that, but the dust I have no control over so I wipe the dust off everything. Then I wipe the floor clean and lastly change the bed sheet and the billow cases, and the comforter if needed. Of course I also have to make the mirror shine again! These are by far my…    read more 

The Quality of Honesty

February 6, 2012 |

I personally like when people are honest with me and point out my faults, so that I know my weaknesses and I can submit those weaknesses to Christ through prayer. That’s why I find the sermons of Dr. Charles Stanley, Paul Washer, and Billy Graham attractive, because they are effective. Of course I didn’t enjoy all honest and Biblical sermons because God used them to require change in me; it is very difficult to submit an area of weakness to Him to direct us through the change process. I can remember sermons of Dr. Stanley I listened to that I thought I would never need because I would never come across that situation, yea, right! that same sermon came in so handy a couple of years later! The same thing with reading the Bible…I read the Bible few times and some verses didn’t really apply to my situation, but they…    read more 

Idolatry: It Still Flourishes, Even Without Statues!

February 3, 2012 |

Suppose you found a friend carving a small statue out of a piece of wood. “What are you going to do with that?” you ask. “I’m going to worship it,” he says. “I’ve got a nice spot in my bedroom where I can kneel down and ask it for things.” Or imagine people on a suburban street pooling their wedding rings and other jewelry to make a statue they can put in the park. They plan to kill animals and leave the meat out in front of the statue. To moderns, idolatry is as weird as cannibalism; we’re not tempted to try it. But since a great part of the Old Testament is concerned with idolatry, we need to get some idea of what people saw in it—and why God condemned it. “They have forsaken me and made this a place of foreign gods.”  Jeremiah 19:4 Mixing Religions In Jeremiah’s…    read more 

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