
Amazing Love

April 18, 2011 |

The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ is truly the wonder of all wonders. It seems that the more we know our God the more we realize there is so much more we don’t know. Yesterday as I moved to the back of the streetcar I smelled this terribly disgusting smell of someone who really needed to take a shower. The smell was so strong almost all the streetcar smelled bad except the very front of it. I immediately moved back to the front and sat there, but even there the smell was so overwhelming I was considering getting off of the streetcar, that’s when I realized how terribly disgusting I—a sinful person—must be to our Holy God. I mean, the difference between two human beings is finite no matter how much of a physical cleaning one of them needs. But the huge gap between a completely vile creature and…    read more 

Creation Tidbits – The Woodpecker

December 20, 2010 |

Woodpeckers are one of Gods amazing creatures, they are a very special family of birds found worldwide, except for Australia and New Zealand, Madagascar, and the extreme polar regions. Most species live in forests or woodland habitats, although a few species are known to live in treeless areas such as rocky hillsides and deserts. The diet of woodpeckers consists mainly of insects and their grubs taken from living and dead trees, along with fruit, nuts and sap from live trees. Their role ecologically is geared towards keeping trees healthy by keeping them from suffering mass infestations. The family is noted for its ability to acquire wood-boring grubs using their bills for hammering, but overall the family is characterized by its dietary flexibility, with many species being both highly omnivorous and opportunistic. What’s so special about the Woodpecker? Many of the foraging, breeding and signaling behaviors of woodpeckers involve drumming and…    read more 

God At The Movies Showcase

God at the Movies VFX Showcase

May 11, 2010 |

God at the movies is a promo for a series at Journey Community Church produced by Dan Stevers. The promo  is  an ambitious piece of film making, it takes us back to the vintage black and white era of the 70’s in a spectacular motion graphics sequence that is astounding for the simple fact that it took, two weeks, a couple of friends, a green screen, some great costumes, and a model airplane to put it all together. Dan really showcased how the power of programs like Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere can help to produce very high quality visuals, that were not possible a couple years ago. If you have never seen the work of Dan Stevers before, check him out on Vimeo or visit his website at the link below. Website: Dan God at the Movies FX Breakdown

Stunning Christian Videos by Dan Stevers

June 5, 2009 |

Christian Videos by Dan Stevers: This month we are featuring the work of Dan Stevers, a Christian Visual Effects (VFX) artist from Vimeo. Dan Stevers VFX work is truly stunning. We are impressed with the quality of his productions, which communicates the message of the gospel in a way that grabs your attention. You can perchance his work from Worship House Media. The Christmas Story The Lord’s Prayer   Joseph: The Art of Bouncing Back The Cell Light of the World Life with God Elijah Artist remain the original copyright holder of all their materials. Use of any of their material is considered an infringement of the copyrights of the respective holders unless specially stated otherwise. Please contact the owner if you wish to use any of their videos.