Legion of Skills

Free Thanksgiving Photo Bundle

Free Thanksgiving Photo Bundle

October 24, 2014 |

This Free Thanksgiving Photo Bundle captures scenery that represents the spirit of the season. They can be used in both non-commercial or commercial work, such as wallpapers, church slides or integrated into your graphic design projects, etc.           [sociallocker] [/sociallocker]

25% OFF Our Harvest Print Templates

Enjoy 25 Percent OFF Our Harvest Print Templates

October 7, 2014 |

Enjoy 25% OFF our Harvest Print Templates. Just use the Discount Code below when you enter our shopping cart. Use the code as many times as you need to or share it with a friend. Enjoy! USE DISCOUNT CODE: 25PERHARVOffer Expire Nov. 6, 2014 Inspiks Market offers everything you need for creative church projects. Search our shop for an extensive product range, or alternatively, filter via categories.

150 Free Nature Photos

150 Free Nature Photos

September 23, 2014 |

150 Free Nature Photos captured by photographers all around the world. The images are free to use in both non-commercial or commercial work. They can be used for wallpapers, church slides or integrated into your graphic design projects, etc.           [sociallocker] [/sociallocker]

Harvest Celebration Church Postcard Template

Harvest Thanksgiving Templates

September 22, 2014 |

These Beautiful Harvest Thanksgiving Templates are great for any Church event, they can be used for your Harvest and Autumn celebrations, Sermons, Conferences, Fall Festivals, etc. All layers in the files are arranged, color coded and simple to edit. These church templates are pre-designed making them quick and easy to replace the mock-text with your own content, check them out below.   Harvest Festival Church Flyer Template Lord of the Harvest Church Flyer Template Harvest Banquet Flyer Template   Lord of the Harvest Church Bulletin Template Lord of the Harvest CD Artwork Template Pastor Anniversary Banner Template – Harvest Harvest Gala Ticket Template Fall Festival Church Flyer Template All Things New Church Flyer Template All Things New Church Postcard Template All Things New CD Artwork Template Giving Thanks Church Postcard Template Giving Thanks CD Artwork Template Harvest Celebration Church Flyer Template Harvest Celebration Church Postcard Template Harvest Celebration CD Artwork Template Harvest Celebration Church Bulletin…    read more 

Beautiful Christian T-Shirts by Kaleb’s Witness

March 22, 2014 |

Kaleb’s Witness Christian T-Shirts is a South Florida based online Christian T-Shirts store proclaiming the Christian faith through a creative line of high quality, durable merchandise that includes clothing, jewelry, art, accessories and other items. Romans 13:14 tells us to “clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.” As Christians, we’re walking billboards for Christ; we should be bold witnesses (2 Cor. 3:12), living our faith, inside and out, Check out some of their T-shirts below.     Without the light of Jesus Christ, we are all spiritually blind. Only through Jesus can our minds and hearts become illuminated to clearly and correctly see things for what they really are. Price: $24.99     God’s love for us never wavers; it never changes. This is why we can never ‘out sin’ God’s forgiveness. In spite of our flaws, He loves us and is faithful to forgive us over and over again, “not…    read more 

Communion Gif Animation

Free Communion Gif Animation

November 24, 2012 |

The Free Communion Gif Animation is for Christian  Church Communion Services. Designed with the cross, bread, and animated glowing wine, symbolizing God’s precious blood that was shed on the cross for our sins. The download package has two files, one with a dark background and another with a light background. Communion Gif Animation can be inserted into a PowerPoint presentation or converted to an mp4 movie for usage with any projection program.  DOWNLOAD Visit VideoHive to Buy Premium Church Videos

Education and MARRIAGE

Education and Marriage Part 3

Recently I went to a wedding and after the wedding my aunt asked me what I was looking for in a wife and I told her, “About four things”, without being specific. She laughed and said, “Only 4 things! I was looking for 40 things!” I am not concerned with my future wife’s education, body type, hair or eye colour, skin colour, ethnic background, or family history. I am not saying physical attraction is not important, it is important because God created us all with different looks and different preferences. And those different preferences help us make decisions; imagine how difficult life would be if you liked all things the same way! But what I am really interested in are: -Her mind: how she thinks; her wisdom; submitting her thoughts to the Lord by making His thoughts her thoughts; rejecting evil thoughts. -Her heart (and I don’t mean that blood…    read more 

Genesis creation narrative

Genesis Creation Narrative by Hidetsugu Murakami

January 13, 2012 |

The Genesis Creation Narrative by Hidetsugu Murakami is a brilliant animation sequence that chronicles the Genesis account of Creation. The smooth animation and transitions are mesmorizing and effective in taking a long story and breaking it down in a short and beautiful composition. Only issue i found with this video is the fact that the small text is very hard to read, but if you know the Genesis story, then you won’t miss a beat, check it out!    

Intelligent Design Explains Nothing, Says Experts!

December 14, 2011 |

I found an article written by the “Script Howard News Service” with the following heading: “Bush is of Two minds, One is Wrong.” As I read on I notice they say: “When it comes to science, President Bush is of two minds, one of which is wrong.” “Concerning the space shuttle program, he defers to the views of experts.” “In a conversation with Texas reporters, he said that ‘the experts at NASA’ will determine whether the shuttle should be retired before 2010.” “But when it comes to science education, he unfortunately sees no need for experts. Answering a question about evolution vs. intelligent design, he said it was a question for local school districts, but he felt ‘both sides ought to be properly taught.’” And he added, ‘so people can understand what the debate is all about.” “But among experts, there is no debate worth mentioning. The theory of evolution…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 13 – The Effects On Our Thinking Process

The simplest conceivable life form has about 600 protein molecules. The chance that even a SINGLE molecule could form by chance arrangement of the sequence of the amino acids in it would be between 10^450 and 10^600, depending on whose data you study. How many INCHES LONG do you suppose it is from one end of the universe to the other, at least with our present astronomical knowledge? Can you guess? It is about 10^28! That seems a small number, but consider that the distance is in INCHES. And to form ONE molecule the probabilities are from 10^450 to 10^600? How outrageous does the data have to get before it becomes laughable? Remember that the theory of evolution says that this happened not once, but again and again and again. It seems apparent to me that we are dealing not only with a ridiculous theory, but with a sick theory,…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 12 – Biogenetic Law

There is also a theory out that, as an embryo develops, its many appearances at different times reflect its `evolution`. This applies to all embryos, whether it be a bird, as turtle, or a human. I was taught this theory in college. Do you know when this theory was proven wrong? Back in the 1920`s. As someone once said, `There is nothing more fun than to watch an intelligent man expound on a stupid idea`. So what can you say? The above theory was called the `Biogenetic Law`, and it has been proven wrong or proven totally implausible so many times that it is ridiculous to even consider it. “This theory is now completely discredited by most embryologists.” – Dr. Jeffrey Bryne Over fifty years ago, Dr. Waldo Shumway [sp] of the University of Illinois said: “Experimental embryology demands that this hypothesis be abandoned.” If that’s the case, why is…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 11 – The Study of Cells

Lets talk about creationism versus the theory of evolution in regard to the various disciplines of science. We have already spoken of the astronomical side of this question. We will now consider the study of cells. These cells make up every living thing. What evidence is there in this area, which will settle the question of evolutionism versus creationism? If the theory of evolution is correct, then the accidental synthesis of the DNA molecule had to have taken place. As biological science learns more and more about the complexity of the cellular structure, the realization that this feat is impossible has set in. The DNA molecule can only be replicated in the presence of certain enzymes; numerous, complicated enzymes. Those enzymes themselves can only be replicated in the presence of DNA molecules. So, which came first, the chicken or the egg? It is not enough to `simply` synthesize the DNA…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 10 – The Religion of Evolution

Next we will discuss “The Religion of Evolution”. First, a definition from Webster`s New World dictionary: Religion – a. A belief in a supernatural power; b. an expression of this belief in conduct or ritual; c. a specific system of belief or worship involving a code of ethics; d. an object that is zealously pursued. Obviously, if you are a creationist, one or more of these definitions would apply to you. You would probably believe that this supernatural power created all things. You should have a code of conduct that you try to make an integral part of your life, as outlined in the Bible, at least for all of us in attendance here. Also, you should also believe that this supernatural power, having created this magnificent universe, also has the power to override what we would call infallible physical laws. These “overrides” are called “miracles” by most people. Does…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 9 – The Fossil Records

Next we will consider the fossil record. If there is anything that can tangibly “prove” the theory of evolution, the fossil record would be the most likely. Fossils can of course be seen, handled, and examined. It has been instilled into this generation that the age of anything can be absolutely proven. As we have seen from our study of the various dating methods, there is very little that is absolute in the `science` of dating. The methods and results are at best questionable. Recent advances in science has shown that there are questions regarding things once thought absolute. I have read that scientists have discovered that the speed of light is slowing down. There is evidence that atomic clocks do not run at a constant rate. They, too, are slowing down. Concerning the fossil record, let me read what a leading scientist has said: “The fossil record reveals the…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 8 – Creation Demands vs Evolutionary Demands

Now let`s consider the demands of creation versus the demands of the theory of evolution. First, creation demands the presence of a Creator. The theory of evolution demands the absence of a creator. Second, creation demands the creation of matter. The theory of evolution has no explanation for the origin of matter. Third, as for the time span of the existence of the universe, creation demands the time span of recorded history. The theory of evolution demands eons of time, billions of years. Fourth, creation demands a `spirit world`. That is, the presence of a `higher power`, one who created this universe and governs its operation. This `higher power` is the giver of life. The theory of evolution does not allow for a higher power or a giver of life. The theory of evolution says life emerged spontaneously from non-living matter. Fifth, there is the fossil record. Creation demands a…    read more 


Watch 180 Movie Now!

September 26, 2011 |

180 Movie is a shocking award winning documentary that is changing lives and hearts on the issue of abortion. The video is produced by Living Waters, and features Ray Comfort​ of the popular The Way of the Master ministry. The 180 Movie is now available online for Free viewing. Check it out!  ###WARNING! Graphic Content###        

The True Meaning of Grace

September 21, 2011 |

The boy stood with back arched, head cocked back and hands clenched defiantly. “Go ahead, give it to me.” The principal looked down at the young rebel. “How many times have you been here?” The child sneered rebelliously, “Apparently not enough.” The principal gave the boy a strange look. “And you have been punished each time have you not?” “Yeah, I been punished, if that’s what you want to call it.” He threw out his small chest, “Go ahead I can take whatever you dish out. I always have.” “And no thought of your punishment enters your head the next time you decide to break the rules does it?” “Nope, I do whatever I want to do. Ain’t nothin’ you people gonna do to stop me either.” The principal looked over at the teacher who stood nearby. “What did he do this time?” “Fighting. He took little Tommy and shoved…    read more 


Beautiful Images in Remembrance of 911

September 10, 2011 |

Beautiful Images in Remembrance of 911: Who would have thought that an airplane would be used as a weapon against the citizens of America? People woke up to a regular day, to the hustle and bustle of life, not expecting anything but the normal routine, but the terror acts of a few changed our lives in many ways. Whether you were in New York or on the other side of the world, you could not watch the images of the planes crashing into the towers and not be shocked, outraged and disgusted at the devastation and massive loss of lives displayed before our eyes. As we reflect on the events of this day, say a prayer for the families that were affected by this tragedy, pray also for those that would orchestrate such terrible acts. [sociallocker] But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do…    read more 

Two Thousand Twelve is Not The End!

September 7, 2011 |

As we hear frightening “predictions” about the year 2012, we would be led to believe that the world is coming to an end very soon. We see the disaster/doomsday movies like Independence day (1996), The Day After Tomorrow (2009), portraying destruction on a massive scale. We have programs on TV such as, “Life after man”, which looks at how life would be after mankind is wiped out. We also heard about the Y2K bug, global warming, the melting of the ice caps and the long forgotten, “hole in the ozone layer”. The Mayan calendar stops at the end of the year 2012, resulting in all sorts of religious, scientific, astrological and historic reasons why this calendar foretells the end of mankind or life as we know it. The Mayan predictions have many people in an uproar, coupled with the natural disasters seen all over the world, global distress, global economic…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 7 – The Young Earth

The Bible teaches that the Heavens, Earth, and all life on Earth was created by direct acts of God during a relatively short period, calculated to be sometime between 5,700 and 10,000 years ago, by Biblical scholars. The Genesis accounts of Creation teaches us that God created the Earth in six 24-hour days, taking a literal interpretation of the Genesis accounts of creation. The evolutionary consensus, supported by a 2006 statement by 68 national and international science academies, is that it is “evidence-based fact” that the universe has existed for around 15 billion years, that the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago with life appearing at least 2.5 billion years ago. Evolutionist would go as far as to laugh at those who believe that the earth is much younger than what we have been taught under the guise of science. Now, 5,700 to 10,000 years is a very,…    read more 

Spectacular Photos of Creation

Spectacular Photos of Creation-Part 1

August 31, 2011 |

These photos are just a small snippet of Creation, they show the awesome Power and Magnificence of God. Take some time to look around your environment and you will see His handy work. Thank Him and Praise Him for what He has done. Our prayer is that you will draw closer to Him and your relationship will be strengthened. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.,And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the…    read more 

Evidence of the Creator – The Human Hand

August 25, 2011 |

You are carrying on your body more advanced tools than what engineers can create in a lab! Seriously, think about the complexity of your body. Let’s take a look at our hand. Your hand has the power to lift heavy objects and at the same time gently hold another hand without crushing it. One interesting fact is that our hand can also detect the elevation difference the width of a hair. We usually take for granted the healing element of our hand. Isn’t it completely amazing how the hand can on its own can repair itself. There is no electronic in the world which can repair itself like the hand is able to do!


Absolutely Stunning Christian Album Art

August 17, 2011 |

Absolutely Stunning Christian Album Art – On stepping into a music store, our eyes are immediately attracted to the beautiful album art. Graphic Design plays a major part in capturing our attention and communicating the message of the album. Below you will find some of the best Christian album art, enjoy!     Pages – Shane & Shane   Surrender – Seventh Day Slumber   My Brightness – Charlie Hall   Not Afraid – Stephanie Smith   Hear My Worship – Jason Ingram   You Are Everything – Matthew West   There Is A Savior – Sandi Patty   Forever You Reign – Nicole C. Mullen Choose – Christy Nockels   Let it Fade – Jeremy Camp Blessed And Highly Favored – The Clark Sisters   Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) – Chris Tomlin   All I Want – Phillip LaRue   Jesus Messiah – Chris Tomlin   Give…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 6 – Billions of Years

One of the things we have been pounded with is the amount of time necessary to allow mutations to produce modern-day species. The evolutionists are desperately looking for time, because if you can produce enough time, you can hide the many weaknesses of the theory of evolution. But eons of time are an absolute necessity, simply because of the amount of mutations necessary, as we saw in the previous post. There are a number of `clocks` that are used to judge the age of the universe. We will see whether or not these `clocks` are reliable. We will see whether or not the universe is really as old as the theory of evolution postulates.     The first is radio-metric dating. Potassium argon or uranium lead is used to determine how old something is. Carbon-14 is radioactive carbon. Carbon normally has 12 electrons, but occasionally a carbon atom has 14…    read more