
Cinematic Brilliance and Cosmic Reflections

Cinematic Brilliance and Cosmic Reflections: Unpacking ‘A Beautiful Mind’ and Life’s Wonders

December 25, 2023 |

The blog post by Bible Box Office, titled “What Can A Beautiful Mind Teach Us About Life?” invites readers on a captivating journey through the cosmic wonders inspired by the movie “A Beautiful Mind.” The introduction seamlessly integrates personal experiences, the movie clip featuring John Nash, and a profound exploration of the night sky. The author skillfully connects the beauty of nature with a broader philosophical and theological reflection, pondering the vastness of the universe and the age-old question of existence. By incorporating scientific facts about stars and galaxies, the post not only captures the reader’s imagination but also prompts contemplation about the source of creation, skillfully tying scientific wonder to spiritual awe. The engaging narrative style, coupled with the infusion of relevant biblical verses, sets the stage for a thought-provoking exploration of life’s mysteries and the awe-inspiring nature of the Creator. “Bible Box Office’s blog post, ‘What Can A…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 8 – Creation Demands vs Evolutionary Demands

Now let`s consider the demands of creation versus the demands of the theory of evolution. First, creation demands the presence of a Creator. The theory of evolution demands the absence of a creator. Second, creation demands the creation of matter. The theory of evolution has no explanation for the origin of matter. Third, as for the time span of the existence of the universe, creation demands the time span of recorded history. The theory of evolution demands eons of time, billions of years. Fourth, creation demands a `spirit world`. That is, the presence of a `higher power`, one who created this universe and governs its operation. This `higher power` is the giver of life. The theory of evolution does not allow for a higher power or a giver of life. The theory of evolution says life emerged spontaneously from non-living matter. Fifth, there is the fossil record. Creation demands a…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 4 – Scientific Basis

I want you to know that the theory of evolution looks pretty good if you look at it from a distance. When you get right down to the `nuts and bolts` of evolution, it is in deep trouble. One of the leading scientists of this age has called evolution `incredible`. The definition of `incredible` is not `amazing`. `Incredible` literally means `without credibility`. He said that “the problem is, the only alternative is creation.” In effect he meant that since he `knew` creation is `wrong`, he HAD to believe evolution. This was not a man making fun of creationism. This is a scientist, and true scientists all over the world realize that the theory of evolution is in deep trouble. Yet they cling to it, because to do otherwise would be to admit the existence of God. In the 1800`s and in the past, we knew so little about the life…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 3 – The Age of the Universe

In accepting the theory of evolution, we are asked to accept as fact many other theories. Evolution is not one theory, but a complex series of theories. It is based upon many preconceived `facts`. Any time someone begins piling theory upon theory, the stack of theories becomes like a chain. The failure of any one theory can easily nullify the others. In `believing` in evolution, we are asked to believe that all of the different forms of life on earth began from a `primeval soup`. No one knows where this `soup` was, or what happened to it. No one can say what happened to suddenly bring forth life from the `soup`. What evidence is there to prove or disprove the theory of evolution?  Is evolution a workable explanation for the origin of the Universe, the planet Earth or Life?   Were The Universe, The Solar System, The Earth, and Life…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 1- The Origin of Life

What is life? Is it just having the right combinations of proteins in just the right order? Is a man nothing more than a collection of substances and chemicals that happened to somehow `become alive`? Evolutionists claim that the process of life was started by some unknown process, millions (or billions) of years ago. This is the foundation of the evolutionary theory. Is there proof that this is really what happened? One of the greatest weaknesses of evolutionary theory is that there are too many forms of life to have happened by chance, and the building blocks of life are too complex to have just somehow `happened`. Could a cell by chance come into being that “has the DNA instructions to fill one thousand 600-page books?” -(National Geographic).   Examples: 1. Research has shown that the requirements for life are so complex that chance and even billions of years could…    read more 

Biological Proof of God’s Existence

There is arguably no greater ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ evidence for the existence of a personal intelligent God than the presence and pervasiveness of biological information in all living things. Ponder the testimony of atheistic Biologist Richard Dawkins on the nature of biological information. “…at the molecular genetic level, every single one of more than a trillion cells in the body contains about a thousand times as much precisely-coded digital information as my entire computer…” (The Blind Watchmaker, 1986, xiii). What Dawkins is getting at here is the stubborn fact that DNA, the molecule of heredity, is information rich. “In order for any organism to be whatever it is, its genetic program (DNA) must specify what sort of organism it will be and, within surprisingly narrow limits, what specific characteristics it will assume…The DNA must be faithfully copied to every single cell of an organism that will eventually consist of billions…    read more