
education and marriage

Education and Marriage Part 1

May 23, 2012 |

Growing in a Middle Eastern culture I was often compared with other men based on height (and I am relatively short), looks (and I am an average looking Middle Eastern man), education (and I was a general labourer/forklift driver for 4 years), wealth (and I come from a middle class family and I earned minimum wages). Because of this throughout all my life I have always wanted my wife to love me for who I am: my God-given personality and talents, my continuously conforming character to being Christ-like, faith and relationship with the Lord, and my love and commitment to her. This desire to find a woman who loves me for who I am scared me from getting education early in my life (that is, right after graduating from high school) because I was always told, “Fadi, get a good education so when you want to get married the woman…    read more 

God is Cool!

February 13, 2012 |

When I saw this sunset I thought to myself, “Oh, man! I can’t resist sunsets! Then I thought, “Only God can mix purple, navy, red, orange and yellow and make it look this good!” Try wearing that! (Unless you work as a balloon!) I remember few months ago I was meeting with my design team and we were supposed to come up with alternative designs that meet the client’s needs (so we can select the best design and improve it as our proposed design). We were 6 students in the group, and we were discussing ideas, and designs already in use, and what if it looked like this, or worked like that machine, etc. After a considerable time we came up with only 4 alternative designs! Only four! And even those four were similar to each other!     That’s when it hit me: God made countless types of vegetables…    read more 


Struggling with Maturity

December 26, 2011 |

One hot summer afternoon in Iraq I was walking with my best friend from the neighborhood; we were both in our early teens. He told me that he wants to be a doctor. I thought it was kind of an unrealistic goal since he wasn’t a straight A student so I asked him why he wanted to be a doctor. He told me that his dad was motivating him to finish school and to do his best. I knew my friend’s dad worked long hours, from early morning until afternoon, as construction worker then worked as a taxi driver until late evening or night. Then he continued telling me that when his dad was a teenager his grandparents never told his dad to finish school so his dad doesn’t want the same thing to happen to him. I remember making a mental note to the like, “You have to change;…    read more 

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