
20 Cross Photos for Easter

June 18, 2013 |

Cross Photos are numerous and reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made for us. The cross is a a representation of the instrument of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, is the best-known religious symbol of Christianity. It is related to the crucifix (a cross that includes a usually three-dimensional representation of Jesus’ body) and to the more general family of cross symbols. Here are 20 Beautiful Free Photos of the Cross that you can use in your graphic design work. More Cross Photos are all available on Click the image you like to visit and download. Read the morgue license to stay within the copyright rules of the site. Enjoy. Share your work with us if possible by posting them to our Flickr Group or leaving a link below in the comments area.  [sociallocker]     [/sociallocker]

Laminin Declares The Supremacy of God

Laminin Declares The Supremacy of God says Louie Giglio has he speaks about how it relates to the human body and life in general. He speaks about Laminin the protein network foundation for most cells and organs. Laminin are an important and biologically active part of the basal lamina, influencing cell differentiation, migration, adhesion as well as phenotype and survival, in simple terms Laminin molecules holds every cell in our body together. It just amazes me that the molecule that holds everything together in our bodies shapes like a cross, but more importantly that God cares about me in every way He holds everything together and in Him we have life. Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities,…    read more