
The Passion of the Flower

December 31, 2010 |

This is a passion flower and quite frankly, it’s probably the most amazing flower I have ever seen. However, why add another flower picture to the plethora of  flower pictures out their? Because, this flower has a little story to tell. He knows he won’t last long, his time is short, so he was made bright and beautiful, so that he might catch my attention; which he obviously did, in order that I might preserve its story for all to read and learn from, as I have. The story he told was this. “Don’t waste your life!” Our life, though prolonged a bit longer then this flower, will eventually waste away like a vapor, and what will be left? Money? Photos? Friends? Broken dreams? Unconfessed sin? Time isn’t free, it will cost you your life, therefore spend every second wisely. Blow yourself out doing your very best, smile often, laugh…    read more 

The Word That Satisfies Our Thirst

December 13, 2010 |

The Lord fills us with His word, the more we drink of the Living waters and eat of His word, the more in the likeness of His image we become…. for it is written to all who would hear and are thirsty and do hunger after Christ Jesus: Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. – Isaiah 55:1 You see, the invitation here is made to all. ‘Everyone’ is entreated to come. It is not offered to the elect only, or to the rich, the great, the noble; but it is made to all. He came for us, the sinner. Our best is filthy rags. It is impossible to conceive of language more universal in its nature than this, and while this stands in the Word of…    read more 

How to Become Rich Towards God

October 22, 2010 |

The parable in Luke 12:16-21 that talks about the rich man, packs a lot of punch for people like me, though I don’t stockpile money, I do stockpile stuff. I always want the better lens, the better flash, the bigger camera, the lighter tripod, the faster computer. I have been extremely blessed in what I do have and I must learn not only to be content with it but also not to stockpile it, but to use it in such a way as to become rich towards God. And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods….    read more 

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