

Struggling with Maturity

December 26, 2011 |

One hot summer afternoon in Iraq I was walking with my best friend from the neighborhood; we were both in our early teens. He told me that he wants to be a doctor. I thought it was kind of an unrealistic goal since he wasn’t a straight A student so I asked him why he wanted to be a doctor. He told me that his dad was motivating him to finish school and to do his best. I knew my friend’s dad worked long hours, from early morning until afternoon, as construction worker then worked as a taxi driver until late evening or night. Then he continued telling me that when his dad was a teenager his grandparents never told his dad to finish school so his dad doesn’t want the same thing to happen to him. I remember making a mental note to the like, “You have to change;…    read more 

Because He is Love – Part 3

December 16, 2011 |

I wouldn’t wish Trichotillomania to my worst enemies. I am afraid if I get married I will pass the genes to my children because Trichotillomania is genetic, it is classified as an impulse control disorder by DSM-IV, it is the compulsive urge to pull out one’s own hair leading to noticeable hair loss. For most of my life I had considered it to be a curse—or at least something I wouldn’t want in my life. But sometimes when I think about it I wonder if God has a purpose in it—a higher purpose than just “to torture me”. You see, Trichotillomania really lowered my self-confidence due to my low self-image. It is not easy for a young man to be confident when he can’t even control his fingers so not to pull his own hair. It is not easy for a young man to be confident when he feel embarrassed…    read more 

Sermon Titles

Creative Sermon Title Church Artworks

Creative Sermon Title Church Artworks in this gallery can be used to correspond with your sermon outline or Bible Study.  They work great in PowerPoint presentations or with EasyWorship Presentation software. Sermon Title Art by INSPIKS | Inspirational Pictures is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. [ Image Usage ]

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