Jesus was being drawn by the Father to depart from the crowds, to go away and to pray and to be with the Father, God. I’ve often pondered about this, how Jesus had to refresh himself at the feet of His Father. He had to be strengthened to receive from the Heavenly Father so that He could continue onward.
We, God’s people need to do the same, for Jesus set the example for all of us. We too, also need to go to the feet of Jesus and to receive from him and to be still as even Mary was still. She partook of the good and received from Jesus. Their truly are too many people laboring by their own works (of the flesh) and we all have been guilty of this. When we cease from our own labors and allow the Lord to lead, guide and speak we truly walk in the rest, for He is our rest and we become strengthened and learn from the Lord Jesus!

A Solitary Place by sheepkinz
At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him. Mark 1:12-13
In these days, we need to be hearing from the Lord, what He is saying and learn from Him to partake from our Lord Jesus. Men may fail us, but the Lord Jesus shall never fail us. Every day to sit and be still and come away from the busyness of the world and all our labors and to refresh ourselves in Him is what He so longs for from all of us. Do you ever feel Him pressing you, tugging at you to come away and to be still. The still small voice, saying come, come my beloved and shut yourself in with me.