

Objective Morality: Nature & Necessity

August 19, 2013 |

Is there any such thing as objective morality or is everyone free to just set and follow personal moral standards? If there is no objective morality why should habitual liars or anyone for that matter, be expected to speak the truth, always or even almost always? If the rightness or wrongness of acts, motives/attitudes depend on how individuals feel then morality is hopelessly subjective and everyone has a right to do as one pleases. Objective morality rescues us from this dilemma. But what is meant by objective morality? The ‘objective’ in objective morality simply means independent of any particular person’s feelings and value judgments on the moral issue in question. As Philosopher Paul Copan says “…morality is objective in that it isn’t a function of individual or cultural preferences, opinions, or responses. Morality is objective in that it is recognized and discovered rather than invented by humans.” (“True for you…    read more 

His Thoughts are Higher than our Thoughts

The wisdom of God is so far above man, it is on a different level altogether. Our intelligence, even at its best, is so small. God compares it to the distance of the earth from the heavens, such a vast span, it cannot be measured. We think that science in all its Glory can solve all the problems we have in the world, but we do not understand that man’s biggest problem is not physical, but it is one that is spiritual. What is man’s spiritual problem? We have broken the law of God and in turn, we are separated from Him and now we want to become God. We look at science as something to replace God, we even start to question the existence of God. We ask, if there is a good God out there, why are so many problems in the world, why are people dying, starving…    read more