
Amazing Word Church Flyers

Amazing Word Church Flyers

Here are some magnificent Church Flyers Templates created in Microsoft Word, Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, and that can help in completing your next marketing project for a church or non-profit organization. Events need different types of flyers to set the mood and communication between you and your target audience. These Church flyers are done in Microsoft Word, Publisher, Adobe Photoshop,, and Choose the version that works best for you and come out on top with a flyer that is great. In this extensive list, you will find flyers for concerts, sermon series, fundraising events, anniversary and pastor graduation events, and Christmas and Valentine’s Day events. Mass Choir Concert Church Flyers Word Publisher  Mass Choir Concert Flyer Word Publisher Template, Print Size: 4.25”x6.25”, Cut Size: 4”x6”, is for church concerts and non-profit organization events. Great for benefit fund-raisers, like concerts, plays, talent searches, and more.  Gospel Rock Band Concert…    read more 

Living by Faith book Rev Dr Gerry Gallimore

Living by Faith

December 13, 2020 |

Living by Faith book by Rev. Dr. Gerry Gallimore – 168 pages of unbelievable experiences, explained only by the fact that Rev. Dr. Gerry Gallimore lived by faith. Born in the backwoods of Jamaica, and born out of wedlock, Gerry Gallimore had limited schooling. He gave his life to the Lord at an early age and this Living by Faith book recounts the globe-trotting and sometimes daring journey God took him on, including visits to the White House. God’s miraculous hand in the life, times, and journey of Gerry Gallimore. “Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.” – Psalm 66:16 In 1968 Gerry Gallimore left a well-paying job in the pharmaceutical industry, one that allowed him to purchase a new home and Mercedes Benz as a young adult – to accept the call of God and moved into full-time…    read more 

Beautiful Christian T-Shirts by Kaleb’s Witness

March 22, 2014 |

Kaleb’s Witness Christian T-Shirts is a South Florida based online Christian T-Shirts store proclaiming the Christian faith through a creative line of high quality, durable merchandise that includes clothing, jewelry, art, accessories and other items. Romans 13:14 tells us to “clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.” As Christians, we’re walking billboards for Christ; we should be bold witnesses (2 Cor. 3:12), living our faith, inside and out, Check out some of their T-shirts below.     Without the light of Jesus Christ, we are all spiritually blind. Only through Jesus can our minds and hearts become illuminated to clearly and correctly see things for what they really are. Price: $24.99     God’s love for us never wavers; it never changes. This is why we can never ‘out sin’ God’s forgiveness. In spite of our flaws, He loves us and is faithful to forgive us over and over again, “not…    read more 


God Answers Prayers Faithfully and Lovingly

March 3, 2014 |

This evening I was driving home from work and listening to the Joy 1250 radio station. There was a Christian program hosting Joni Eareckson Tada, a Christian lady who in 1967–at the age of 17 years old–became quadriplegic due to a diving accident. She said something that encouraged me to share with you my experience of God’s faithfulness in answering prayers. She said that prior to the accident she prayed that God would deepen her relationship with Him, but that she did not expect it to happen this way—she wasn’t thinking ‘paralysis’! But God used her paralysis to answer her prayer and she is so much closer to Him today than she ever could. Ten years ago I prayed a simple sincere prayer. I asked God, “Lord, I want to experience the love You have for mankind. I don’t want to only experience Your love for me but I also…    read more 

Faith Defined and Defended

Faith Defined and Defended

It may be rebutted but it cannot be refuted that no one can live and no academic discipline can operate without faith, properly defined! Faith, like its twin sister hope, is fragile but is a fundamentum in life, by that I mean it is absolutely foundational to life. So you ask me what then is faith in my book? As I have argued in lecture theatres and urged in sermons, faith is belief, based on but slightly in excess of evidence. Hope, if you must know, is confident assurance about the ‘not yet’. Those who are familiar with Hebrews 11.1 may be wondering about the nature of my definition. For those who lack familiarity with the Bible I’ll quote that text then explain the difference between it and my approach to faith. Heb. 11:1, from the New Revised Standard Version reads, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,…    read more 


My Faith

November 8, 2012 |

My faith is too big for fear. I’ve seen you move the mountains, I have only to glance behind to see all you’ve done for me. I’ve tasted and seen that you are good and your love for me endures, never lessens and is gloriously strong. The gripping darkness around has all become a flood of sweet light. Yet I have lost my tongue and my ears are deaf from the noise of you. I cannot taste the succulence of your gentle breath, your melodic and lovely whispers calling me to stand and fight are falling on a deaf ear which longs to hear and come alive. My soul sings a happy song at the mouth of the caves of complacency where inside my name has been scribbled time and time again. My cup is overflowing but I’m drowning in its excess. Oh to return to the mountain side where I fell, where all was darkness and…    read more 

Education and MARRIAGE

Education and Marriage Part 3

Recently I went to a wedding and after the wedding my aunt asked me what I was looking for in a wife and I told her, “About four things”, without being specific. She laughed and said, “Only 4 things! I was looking for 40 things!” I am not concerned with my future wife’s education, body type, hair or eye colour, skin colour, ethnic background, or family history. I am not saying physical attraction is not important, it is important because God created us all with different looks and different preferences. And those different preferences help us make decisions; imagine how difficult life would be if you liked all things the same way! But what I am really interested in are: -Her mind: how she thinks; her wisdom; submitting her thoughts to the Lord by making His thoughts her thoughts; rejecting evil thoughts. -Her heart (and I don’t mean that blood…    read more 

education and marriage

Education and Marriage Part 2

June 14, 2012 |

Education is just knowledge you acquire to be able to practice a certain profession–it is nothing more and nothing less. It does not make you godlier, it does not make you love the Lord or others more, it does not make you more understanding or forgiving—it simply does not change your character to be more like Christ. The Holy Spirit is the only person who can change your character to the likeness of Christ’s character. He may use your education experience as a tool to change you, but education itself had not changed you—the Holy Spirit did. Education does not even have an eternal value unless you use it to glorify God. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Of course, you cannot choose a career that is by definition dishonouring the…    read more 

education and marriage

Education and Marriage Part 1

May 23, 2012 |

Growing in a Middle Eastern culture I was often compared with other men based on height (and I am relatively short), looks (and I am an average looking Middle Eastern man), education (and I was a general labourer/forklift driver for 4 years), wealth (and I come from a middle class family and I earned minimum wages). Because of this throughout all my life I have always wanted my wife to love me for who I am: my God-given personality and talents, my continuously conforming character to being Christ-like, faith and relationship with the Lord, and my love and commitment to her. This desire to find a woman who loves me for who I am scared me from getting education early in my life (that is, right after graduating from high school) because I was always told, “Fadi, get a good education so when you want to get married the woman…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 4

March 23, 2012 |

When I write I target a very small percentage of Christians. In this writing I am targeting even less–no more than a handful of ladies who are actually seeking to get closer to our Lord, to please Him, to live for Him a holy and blameless life. I am seeking those few ladies who are asking, “What can I do to get closer to Him? What can I do to be more like Him? What can I do to take my faith to the next level.” Let me tell you a story: Few years ago I was working in a warehouse as a general laborer. One day after I finished my lunch I decided to go sit in the warehouse reading my Bible for few minutes before my lunch time is over. So I sat on a box and I opened my Bible and prayed to the Holy Spirit to…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 2

March 8, 2012 |

Now, here is what I think are some of the reasons immodesty is such a big sensual problem in the church today: 1) I believe, the biggest problem with immodesty is that it is a very well disguised idolatry. Anything that we replace God with to make us feel whole, to fulfill us emotionally, to make us feel wanted and desired, to lift our self-image, to make us reach our goals (such as attracting a husband-to-be), or to make our lives feel complete is an idol. For example, a man does not lust for the sake of lusting: a man lusts because momentary this physically attractive woman makes him feel a satisfaction he hasn’t fulfilled with his relationship to Christ. The same applies to other sins such as getting drunk–nobody gets drunk to make a fool of himself—people get drunk to escape a reality they do not like because they…    read more 

I Disagree with Christians

February 29, 2012 |

The Jesus in the City Parade was beautiful; it was beautiful to see so many children of God come together in a public square and have the freedom and right to worship and love their God. But there is something I want to talk about that’s not directly related to this event or this photo. It seems whenever I hear a preacher–whether at church, on radio, or at an event—they all seem to complain about how prayers and scripture reading were taken from public school and how that’s the work of Satan. Well, I disagree with that: first, I don’t think it’s a spiritually bad thing; second, I don’t think it’s the work of Satan—I think it’s the work of God. Here is why I don’t see a problem with that. First, it’s wrong to see Christianity as a state religion. Some preachers say that this country or that country…    read more 

Because He is Love – Part 3

December 16, 2011 |

I wouldn’t wish Trichotillomania to my worst enemies. I am afraid if I get married I will pass the genes to my children because Trichotillomania is genetic, it is classified as an impulse control disorder by DSM-IV, it is the compulsive urge to pull out one’s own hair leading to noticeable hair loss. For most of my life I had considered it to be a curse—or at least something I wouldn’t want in my life. But sometimes when I think about it I wonder if God has a purpose in it—a higher purpose than just “to torture me”. You see, Trichotillomania really lowered my self-confidence due to my low self-image. It is not easy for a young man to be confident when he can’t even control his fingers so not to pull his own hair. It is not easy for a young man to be confident when he feel embarrassed…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 10 – The Religion of Evolution

Next we will discuss “The Religion of Evolution”. First, a definition from Webster`s New World dictionary: Religion – a. A belief in a supernatural power; b. an expression of this belief in conduct or ritual; c. a specific system of belief or worship involving a code of ethics; d. an object that is zealously pursued. Obviously, if you are a creationist, one or more of these definitions would apply to you. You would probably believe that this supernatural power created all things. You should have a code of conduct that you try to make an integral part of your life, as outlined in the Bible, at least for all of us in attendance here. Also, you should also believe that this supernatural power, having created this magnificent universe, also has the power to override what we would call infallible physical laws. These “overrides” are called “miracles” by most people. Does…    read more 

Learning the Joy of Trusting in God

This week the topic that has been on my heart is faith and trust. For some reason it really bothers me when people say that they can’t trust in God because of what He puts them through. I’m still relatively young and I know that I haven’t experienced many of the trials that other people have, but I have had my fair share. But during the toughest times of my life, when I am a broken and confused mess, I can feel God better than ever. During those times I feel an unexplainable peace that I don’t feel at any other time, I feel indestructible. When I turn my attention to God and off of my circumstances I feel a deep joy welling up inside and I know that it doesn’t matter what happens to me because I have God. It’s so dangerous to base our faith on circumstances, only…    read more 

He Sets The Captives Free

June 24, 2011 |

I am going to talk about a topic most would consider to be very sensitive, and that is, pornography. So if you don’t feel comfortable reading about it please stop whenever you like to.  I will talk about it from my personal experience and will not to focus on porn or talk about it in details, as my goal is not to assist others to indulge in sin but to glorify God for the freedom He has given me. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Luke 4:18-19 First of all I want to say that talking about being addicted…    read more 

Arise: No Shame in Scars – Part 3

The Testimony of Emma Nation reflects the pain and depravity that we face outside of Christ and the ultimate plan that the devil has for all humans which is death! But thank God that He has a better plan for us, a plan for life everlasting! Emma wraps up her testimony, with a revelation on how God is continuing to heal the scars in her life.   Testimony My life still holds pain, but I have a faithful comforter and healer! I am still a broken woman, desperately in need of His strength, love, forgiveness and rest every single day, but I am a new creation starting fresh as a pure, lovely, redeemed, chosen, loved child of the Most High King. March 13, 2010 was the day that this verse became the true claim of my life. This was also the day that God changed my name from Emily to…    read more 

No Guarantee For Judgement Day May 21, 2011

There are billboards, bumper stickers, park bench ads, bus wrap ads etc., all over America, announcing that Judgement Day will occur on May 21, 2011. Most of these announcements are accompanied by the notice that, ‘The Bible Guarantees It.’ The man behind these bold and frightening proclamations is Harold Camping, leader of an Oakland-based “Christian Ministry” called, Family Radio Worldwide. Mr. Camping recently told the Associated Press that the Bible acts as a calendar, by which the dates of the prophesies can be calculated. Mr. Camping apparently has done the necessary calculations, and he has determined that the Day of Judgement will take place on the 21st of May. Unfortunately, Mr. Camping is not the first to brainwash people into these false teachings, here is a list of so called dates predicting Jesus’ return. “Perhaps the most notorious date-setters have been the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The group has been forced by…    read more 

Dare to be Different for your God

May 4, 2011 |

I feel utterly inadequate and unworthy to share any Biblical truth with anyone, because how can a law breaker like me promote the same law he breaks? I am no less of a hypocrite than anyone else ever lived. But if every Christian stops sharing Biblical truths because he or she is not perfect then the gospel will not be preached anymore. Joseph Reassures His Brothers – Genesis 50:15-21 And when Joseph’s brethren saw that their father was dead, they said, Joseph will peradventure hate us, and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him. And they sent a messenger unto Joseph, saying, Thy father did command before he died, saying, So shall ye say unto Joseph, Forgive, I pray thee now, the trespass of thy brethren, and their sin; for they did unto thee evil: and now, we pray thee, forgive the trespass of the…    read more 

Living an Adventurous Life for Christ!

March 23, 2011 |

I am in Vienna-Austria, waiting for my dad and sister to arrive, so I have some time to myself. I was thinking about life these last few days and I have really been bored with life. To be honest, if I had the choice of being here or back at school I would choose the little, dinky town of Schladming (where school was). Here I have been living the “good life,” I have a hotel room all to myself with a nice view and I have a public transit pass to get me anywhere in this beautiful city. Yet compared to experiencing God, it does not even come close. I say this because I feel that too few Christians truly experience Christ. They go to Church on Sunday, going through the motions, and then live life pretty normally throughout the week.     Life with Christ is an adventure and…    read more 

Escaping the Entanglement of Porn

February 21, 2011 |

Today’s testimony is brought to you courtesy of Dave Berryman, he is one of the many wonderful people that I have had the privilege of meeting on Flickr. I take much inspiration from him, from both his style of photos and the awesome messages he includes with them. The idea of sharing others testimonies was actually from Dave and I would like to thank him for allowing me to share this with all of you. Testimony I grew up in a Christian home all my life, but when I left home I became addicted to porn. I went to church every Sunday but I could not stop my insatiable appetite for porn. I was on the church board, but I could not let go of porn…it had its hooks in me good! I led small groups but for some reason I didn’t have the ability to stop looking at porn…    read more 

Carving A Life Out of Chaos

February 14, 2011 |

Today’s testimony is brought to you by an anonymous friend, she has been a great encouragement to me and is an inspirational woman of faith. Testimony My siblings and I were raised by a single mother and the occasional step-dad (around three years in total with that guy). We moved a lot and rarely stayed in one place too long; I think four years may have been the longest. We were always either in trailer courts or government subsidized housing in the urban, inner city or suburban ghettos. We were rarely supervised so life was free and without rules, so trouble and/or bad choices seem to ensue where ever I lived. I can now laugh with my siblings and proclaim that we were truly feral animals. Due to this environment I learned a lot about how to survive mentally and physically. I did a lot of fighting growing up to…    read more 

More than Conquerors in Jesus

I read an article by Brandon, about demons, and I decided to share my personal story of some accounts I had in the past. This is the first time I am sharing this with anyone on-line, but I think it can be an eye opener for some. Demons are very real, I have had my experiences. Let me share one with you. First, let let me give a disclaimer: I don’t smoke, drink, take any kind of drugs, I have no mental problems etc, etc and what I am about to say may sound crazy!! For a few months, about five or six years ago, I was working on a Creation Book and during this time, I had some experiences that led me to believe that I had demon activity in our house. I would be troubled in my sleep almost every night and sometimes when I was taking a nap…    read more 

Taking Steps of Faith with Christ

November 8, 2010 |

I was raised in what I would call a semi-Christian home. I was never taught about having a personal relationship with Jesus, but I was taught the real significance behind Christian holidays and I was taught many of the same basic principles of the Bible for living my life. When I was 10 years old, we moved to a new city and some neighbors invited us to attend AWANAS. We began to attend church and by the end of my first year of AWANAS I had given my life to Christ.   During my school years I had a great group of Christian friends and as a result I never got into alcohol or drugs or anything like that. It was really easy in my group to stay on the straight and narrow, which was really cool, but I never felt like I made a difference for Christ while at…    read more