

Debunking Chance

Any statement about causation or origin which uses the word chance is worthless, philosophically. The academic credentials or prestige of the person making such a statement is unimportant, the statement is still worthless. Take for example the basic belief held by most Astronomers and atheists prior to Vesto Slipher’s expanding universe discovery in 1913,   “the Universe simply exploded into being, by chance, at the big bang and thus there’s no need for any God.” Or ponder the words of the Nobel scientist Jacques Monod in his book Chance and Necessity, “…chance alone is at the source of every innovation, of all creation in the biosphere. Pure chance, absolutely free but blind, at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution…” (page 112) Let me alert you to the fact that though we tend to use the word ‘chance’ loosely, chance is not a substance or entity that can…    read more 


Objective Truth: Nature and Necessity

A popular view among many people today is that all truth is relative; no truth is objective. By objective is meant true by means independent of the person asserting any truth-claim. For example, if someone says, “Fish is my favorite meat” that statement would be true relative to the experience of the speaker. In contrast, if someone should say, “All living things have encoded biological information in their DNA” that statement would not be relative to the speaker’s perception for it would be true regardless of who made the statement. Objective truth then, is truth beyond mere opinion. It is truth verifiable and undeniable as fact by rational beings other than the one making the claim. Strangely then, despite so much talk about living in an Age of Science & Technology that is remarkable, the belief is so common that ‘all truth is relative’. Indeed, this notion prevails not only…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 6 – Billions of Years

One of the things we have been pounded with is the amount of time necessary to allow mutations to produce modern-day species. The evolutionists are desperately looking for time, because if you can produce enough time, you can hide the many weaknesses of the theory of evolution. But eons of time are an absolute necessity, simply because of the amount of mutations necessary, as we saw in the previous post. There are a number of `clocks` that are used to judge the age of the universe. We will see whether or not these `clocks` are reliable. We will see whether or not the universe is really as old as the theory of evolution postulates.     The first is radio-metric dating. Potassium argon or uranium lead is used to determine how old something is. Carbon-14 is radioactive carbon. Carbon normally has 12 electrons, but occasionally a carbon atom has 14…    read more 

Digital Painting in Photoshop Epi 4: Photoshop Tools

July 13, 2011 |

In this tutorial we will be learning more of the Photoshop tools that are essential to Digital Painting workflow. When learning Digital Painting you can find a lot of information on techniques and tips n Tricks, but learning the tools and procedure first will allow you to be successful at painting. Lets get started! Topics Include: 1. Tools Overview 2. Tips for workflow   [sam id=3 codes=’false’] Speed Painting – Digital Painting of a friend

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics

March 14, 2011 |

Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics: This is the first part of a series of Digital Painting in Photoshop tutorials, in this tutorial you will learn about setting up your Wacom tablet properties in Photoshop. Although the Tablet covered is the Intuos4 there is information that is still useful and relative to the Intuos3 tablet. Digital painting is an emerging art form in which traditional painting techniques such as watercolor, oils, impasto, etc. are applied using digital tools by means of a computer, a digitizing tablet and stylus, and software. Enjoy! Next tutorial in the series: Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop Basics – Setting up New Document

Biological Proof of God’s Existence

There is arguably no greater ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ evidence for the existence of a personal intelligent God than the presence and pervasiveness of biological information in all living things. Ponder the testimony of atheistic Biologist Richard Dawkins on the nature of biological information. “…at the molecular genetic level, every single one of more than a trillion cells in the body contains about a thousand times as much precisely-coded digital information as my entire computer…” (The Blind Watchmaker, 1986, xiii). What Dawkins is getting at here is the stubborn fact that DNA, the molecule of heredity, is information rich. “In order for any organism to be whatever it is, its genetic program (DNA) must specify what sort of organism it will be and, within surprisingly narrow limits, what specific characteristics it will assume…The DNA must be faithfully copied to every single cell of an organism that will eventually consist of billions…    read more 

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