
Beautiful Free Photos of Fathers

Beautiful Free Photos of Fathers

June 11, 2013 |

Beautiful Free Photos of Fathers: Fathers are the rock and builders of our society and we depend on them for many things. They may seem distant at times but, most are just busy thinking of how they can provide and others may be thinking about the next big thing (sports maybe :). God is our ultimate and  best father there is. He provides, love, sacrifice, protect and rebuke us. We found these beautiful photos of Fathers on and though we would share. Fathers Day is when we celebrate our fathers these images can be used to create graphic design pieces for  church, school or home. Just follow the morgue license for guidelines on the usage of these photos. We hope your creations are marvelous – share them with us if you can by leaving a link to in the comment section below.  Click on each image to go and download…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 1

March 6, 2012 |

I was so pleased when I saw this group of youth dancing for the Lord on stage at the 2011 Jesus in the City parade in Toronto. I was particularly glad because the dancers were dressed so modestly, and so they looked so beautiful—more beautiful than any lady I have seen in a long while. Sadly, modesty was not the norm at this event: there was a worship group from Ottawa composed of two ladies who were dressed so immodesty that I didn’t photograph them (I didn’t even watch them), because I would’ve been nearly impossible for me as a photographer to edit their photos to make them acceptable with Christianity’s teaching about modesty. There was also another two ladies in the crowd who I avoided standing behind them because they wore such tight pants (both, to avoid temptation and to avoid photographing them), and so you can imagine my…    read more 


Who Crucified the Lord?

February 16, 2012 |

I took this photo at the Jesus in the City parade in Toronto. At first I wanted to make everything black and white except for the robe of the actor who is portraying our Lord Jesus Christ, then I realized this will make the robe the center of attention so I changed my mind. Here I just want to talk about the crucifixion. In 2004 a non-Christian co-worker told me that he went to watch The Passion of the Christ movie and said it was very brutal then added, “But it wasn’t the worst [physically] torture that anyone had endured.” Of course, he was right: our Lord did not endure the most physical torture in the history of mankind, because some men were crucified for days before they died, many others died more horrible physical deaths. As far as we know the two thieves who were crucified alongside our Lord…    read more 

Historical Accuracy of the Bible

The Historical Accuracy of the Bible Revealed

Historical Accuracy of the Bible Revealed Historical Accuracy of the Bible Revealed – To be divinely inspired, a book must be historically accurate.  For if its credibility cannot be established on the basis of known events, it certainly cannot be relied upon as an adequate guide in matters beyond our ability to check.  On the other hand, if we can demonstrate that such a book is correct in historical matters, to an extent unknown among human writings, then we have strong evidence that the authors were inspired by God.  In this lesson we shall learn that this is true of the Bible. The Bible is it’s own best defense – John McArthur Down through the centuries, enemies of the Bible have attacked its historical accuracy.  Time after time, the Scriptures have been thus questioned, only later to be shown correct by archaeology.  Archaeology is a study of relics, monuments, tombs,…    read more 

Beautiful Images Depicting The Cross of Christ

April 15, 2011 |

Death by crucifixion was an especially cruel and agonizing way to die. The Romans employed this form of execution primarily for slaves, although it was also used for foreigners, traitors and the most despicable of criminals. It was generally regarded as too degrading to be utilized for Roman citizens.1 Christ’s death on the cross is God’s ultimate act of love for mankind, The cross reminds us of Jesus’ victory over death, through His death and resurrection, we have the assurance of victory over sin and the promise of eternal life. As we look at these images, lets reflect on God’s love and sacrifice, take every opportunity to share the Gospel with others. Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. Romans 5:18 [ilink url=””] Cross of Christ : A study of the meaning of…    read more 

Called to be Honorable Children of the King

January 31, 2011 |

Never forget who you are or what you’re called to. We are saved to proclaim the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Think on this! Its stunning and terrifying! We are lights in a dark world. We are going to be offensive; seen as evildoers. Our actions may look awkward and silly, yet we are not called to popularity or to a better life here on earth. Indeed, we are called to suffer and we must fulfill our calling, though it brings pain from people, it reaps rewards from the Almighty, all knowing, awesome God. Live not as the world does, following their way of life and passions of the flesh, but rather living as honorable children of the King, ransomed and forgiven from all your sins, living as a sacrifice to show to the world how glorious God is. But you are…    read more 


40 Cross Images

April 2, 2010 |

40 Cross Images – This post showcases 40 inspirational images of the cross. The cross has become a universal symbol of hope. It is used in relief organizations logos, ambulances, rescue helicopters and on the steeple of churches. In today’s society the cross has different meanings to different people, it is considered to be just another piece of jewelery, a fashion statement or to be used in mythical stories to kill vampires. For the Romans the cross was the ultimate symbol of death and punishment, but like everything that Jesus Christ comes in contact with; the cross became a symbol of life and hope. Jesus’ death on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. by the third century the cross had become so closely associated with Christ it was called the Lords symbol and Christians were called devotees of the Cross. The cross reminds us of God’s act…    read more 

Genuine and Bogus Blacks in The Bible

Genuine and Bogus Blacks in The Bible: If you hear anyone saying that Christianity is a European religion, just lovingly, but firmly remind them of its place of origin in the Middle East (Jerusalem) and it is critical for Black Muslims and people in general to know that Islam was not the original faith of Africans. Christianity was introduced to Africa in all likelihood in the 1st century AD through the ‘Ethiopian Eunuch’ mentioned in Acts 8.27, an official in the Royal Court of what is now modern Sudan. Additionally, Christianity was accepted by The Royal Court of Ethiopia and became that country’s official religion from the 4th century AD, some 300 years before Islam even began in Arabia in the 7th century AD. It is incontestable that we have a genuine Black person in the early Church leader in Antioch referred to as ‘Simeon called Niger’ (Acts 13.1). In Simeon’s…    read more 

Interesting Good Friday Images

April 10, 2009 |

Interesting Good Friday Images: This selection of images celebrates Good Friday, a monumental event in history that marks the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Good Friday, also called Holy Friday, Great Friday or Black Friday, is a Christian celebration commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Golgotha. The holiday is observed during Holy Week on the Friday preceding Resurrection Sunday, and often coincides with the Jewish observance of Passover. Good Friday commemorates not just an historical event, but the sacrificial death of Christ. The Resurrection of Christ is the heart of of the Christian faith, Jesus fulfilled his primary mission of taking on the sin of man and ultimately dying for our sins and raising victoriously on the third day by defeating death and the grave. This is the hope of the Christian, that we may also rise from the dead when Christ returns and live…    read more