
Scientific Problems for Atheists

Scientific Problems for Atheists

Scientific Problems for Atheists ‘Village atheists’ and the more educated ones need to read and properly digest the contents of Antony Flew’s last book. The late world renowned British Philosopher and ‘most notorious atheist’ Antony Flew in his last book gave details of the thinking that led him to abandon atheism. The book published in 2008 was titled There is a God. One of the three cardinal issues that made Flew abandon atheism was a critical event which he said could not at all be explained from a naturalistic or materialistic base but which made sense if you invoke God. Drawing on the work of fellow philosopher David Conway, Flew raises the first of three challenges to Darwinian naturalism. He says, “The first challenge is to produce a materialistic explanation for ‘the very first emergence of living matter from non-living matter. In being alive, living matter possesses a teleological [purpose-driven]…    read more 


Debunking Chance

Any statement about causation or origin which uses the word chance is worthless, philosophically. The academic credentials or prestige of the person making such a statement is unimportant, the statement is still worthless. Take for example the basic belief held by most Astronomers and atheists prior to Vesto Slipher’s expanding universe discovery in 1913,   “the Universe simply exploded into being, by chance, at the big bang and thus there’s no need for any God.” Or ponder the words of the Nobel scientist Jacques Monod in his book Chance and Necessity, “…chance alone is at the source of every innovation, of all creation in the biosphere. Pure chance, absolutely free but blind, at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution…” (page 112) Let me alert you to the fact that though we tend to use the word ‘chance’ loosely, chance is not a substance or entity that can…    read more 


Letting Go – Part 1

October 24, 2012 |

Growing up I did not have much of a social life (for a variety of reasons) so I did not form many experiences in regard to dealing with people, deep friendships, and relationships. I had a lot of friends but I did not get close to anybody so I did not experience the ins and outs of relationships and friendships. As I got into my teens I started forming my own ideas about life–what is right and wrong, and how things should be done—because I needed some type of guidance in life. My mother used to always tell me that I have to learn from life, but I found myself constantly frustrated by what little I learned from experiences and my ideas about life. Not because I learned little but because I, as a person, changed constantly and so my ideas changed too and they changed quite quickly! This made…    read more 

Modesty-Your Spiritual Act of Worship Part 1

March 6, 2012 |

I was so pleased when I saw this group of youth dancing for the Lord on stage at the 2011 Jesus in the City parade in Toronto. I was particularly glad because the dancers were dressed so modestly, and so they looked so beautiful—more beautiful than any lady I have seen in a long while. Sadly, modesty was not the norm at this event: there was a worship group from Ottawa composed of two ladies who were dressed so immodesty that I didn’t photograph them (I didn’t even watch them), because I would’ve been nearly impossible for me as a photographer to edit their photos to make them acceptable with Christianity’s teaching about modesty. There was also another two ladies in the crowd who I avoided standing behind them because they wore such tight pants (both, to avoid temptation and to avoid photographing them), and so you can imagine my…    read more 

When Your Joy is Complete Part 2

February 24, 2012 |

I learn by examples best, so I think the best way to explain what being born-again means is through an example: Let us say you are a cat, and you want to live as a human. So you start your day by trying to wash your face but the sink is too big for you and the faucet was not designed to be turned on by paws. Then you try to make the bed but the bed is so big–because it is a human bed–that there is no way you can do it. Then you try to put on a shirt but shirts were designed for humans so they will not fit you and you cannot button up the shirt with your paws anyway. Even if you succeeded in doing those tasks the fact of the matter is that you are still a cat. You can try to pretend to…    read more 

Enjoying the Simple Pleasures of Praying

February 8, 2012 |

One of my favorite activities is on Saturday morning right after I wake up and pray is to start cleaning my room as good as needed which usually takes about an hour to an hour and a half (yea, I know some people are slow!) Before I clean my room I open the curtains in the apartment and all doors so the apartment is full of the morning light. And turn on a sermon by Dr. Stanley and start cleaning! My room is always organized so I don’t have to put things in place or anything like that, but the dust I have no control over so I wipe the dust off everything. Then I wipe the floor clean and lastly change the bed sheet and the billow cases, and the comforter if needed. Of course I also have to make the mirror shine again! These are by far my…    read more 

Love Waits Patiently

February 1, 2012 |

For a long time now it has been my heart’s desire to get married to the woman God has meant for me, according to His timing. Second to only knowing Jesus more and more and become more like Him and fulfilling His purpose for my life, having my own family has been my biggest dream. However, waiting has not been an easy task, especially few years ago when I knew what God’s will was from reading the Bible, but I didn’t have enough faith to live a worry free life in Christ—simply put, I knew He was faithful but I didn’t trust Him fully all the time. A few years ago I felt so lonely and saw how everyone around me has someone, whether according to God’s will or not, and so I went to pray and started crying out to Him, I was so troubled in my heart that…    read more 

The True Meaning of Grace

September 21, 2011 |

The boy stood with back arched, head cocked back and hands clenched defiantly. “Go ahead, give it to me.” The principal looked down at the young rebel. “How many times have you been here?” The child sneered rebelliously, “Apparently not enough.” The principal gave the boy a strange look. “And you have been punished each time have you not?” “Yeah, I been punished, if that’s what you want to call it.” He threw out his small chest, “Go ahead I can take whatever you dish out. I always have.” “And no thought of your punishment enters your head the next time you decide to break the rules does it?” “Nope, I do whatever I want to do. Ain’t nothin’ you people gonna do to stop me either.” The principal looked over at the teacher who stood nearby. “What did he do this time?” “Fighting. He took little Tommy and shoved…    read more 

Do You Have Quiet Strength?

August 19, 2011 |

Go ahead, smile you are at the end of a long week. You have probably faced at least one individual this week who affected you negatively in some way. Did you get irritated? Did you almost lose your cool? No, that was last week. We do not always have smooth days, yet somehow Friday comes and it is alright. You are going home and you won’t have to worry about a thing concerning work until Monday. Today you may be saying TGIF! (Thank God it’s Friday). A long time ago someone experienced a week none of us would have liked to endure. He was betrayed, like some of us may have felt this week. He was abandoned by His friends, that may have happened this week too. Did you call someone to talk to them and felt as if they had ran out on you? He endured verbal abuse. How…    read more 


Absolutely Stunning Christian Album Art

August 17, 2011 |

Absolutely Stunning Christian Album Art – On stepping into a music store, our eyes are immediately attracted to the beautiful album art. Graphic Design plays a major part in capturing our attention and communicating the message of the album. Below you will find some of the best Christian album art, enjoy!     Pages – Shane & Shane   Surrender – Seventh Day Slumber   My Brightness – Charlie Hall   Not Afraid – Stephanie Smith   Hear My Worship – Jason Ingram   You Are Everything – Matthew West   There Is A Savior – Sandi Patty   Forever You Reign – Nicole C. Mullen Choose – Christy Nockels   Let it Fade – Jeremy Camp Blessed And Highly Favored – The Clark Sisters   Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) – Chris Tomlin   All I Want – Phillip LaRue   Jesus Messiah – Chris Tomlin   Give…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 6 – Billions of Years

One of the things we have been pounded with is the amount of time necessary to allow mutations to produce modern-day species. The evolutionists are desperately looking for time, because if you can produce enough time, you can hide the many weaknesses of the theory of evolution. But eons of time are an absolute necessity, simply because of the amount of mutations necessary, as we saw in the previous post. There are a number of `clocks` that are used to judge the age of the universe. We will see whether or not these `clocks` are reliable. We will see whether or not the universe is really as old as the theory of evolution postulates.     The first is radio-metric dating. Potassium argon or uranium lead is used to determine how old something is. Carbon-14 is radioactive carbon. Carbon normally has 12 electrons, but occasionally a carbon atom has 14…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 3 – The Age of the Universe

In accepting the theory of evolution, we are asked to accept as fact many other theories. Evolution is not one theory, but a complex series of theories. It is based upon many preconceived `facts`. Any time someone begins piling theory upon theory, the stack of theories becomes like a chain. The failure of any one theory can easily nullify the others. In `believing` in evolution, we are asked to believe that all of the different forms of life on earth began from a `primeval soup`. No one knows where this `soup` was, or what happened to it. No one can say what happened to suddenly bring forth life from the `soup`. What evidence is there to prove or disprove the theory of evolution?  Is evolution a workable explanation for the origin of the Universe, the planet Earth or Life?   Were The Universe, The Solar System, The Earth, and Life…    read more 

Create a Painted Poster using Photoshop Filters

Create a Painted Poster: Photoshop Paint filters can be used give a painted look to your images. Here is a quick tutorial on how to accomplish the painted look. The goal of this design was to get a painted effect, that kept some of the realism of the original image still intact. The use of the default filters in Photoshop is usually discouraged among seasoned designers, because the effects are usually obvious, but if time is taken to customize and mix the filters, you can get some interesting effects.  Lets dig in!     Inspiration Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139.23-24 Resource KP 45 (Ryan Aréstegui) from Stock.xchng Angelic War Font from Dafont Helvetica World from My fonts   Final Image [sociallocker] Step 1 Open…    read more 

Make A Custom Brush in Photoshop Using a Photo

April 11, 2011 |

In my last tutorial we learned how to make our very own custom brush in Photoshop. This time around we will learn how to create one using a photo and the magic wand tool. Photoshop has a lot of great default brushes that you can customize, but its way more fun and interesting to create our own. Since the types of brushes we can create in Photoshop are limited only by our imagination, we will design a very simple brush here from a photograph,  just to see how easy the whole process is. Lets get started! Tools used: Wacom Intuos4 Photoshop CS5 [sociallocker]   Digital Painting – Still Life Demo part 1/2   [/sociallocker]

Living an Adventurous Life for Christ!

March 23, 2011 |

I am in Vienna-Austria, waiting for my dad and sister to arrive, so I have some time to myself. I was thinking about life these last few days and I have really been bored with life. To be honest, if I had the choice of being here or back at school I would choose the little, dinky town of Schladming (where school was). Here I have been living the “good life,” I have a hotel room all to myself with a nice view and I have a public transit pass to get me anywhere in this beautiful city. Yet compared to experiencing God, it does not even come close. I say this because I feel that too few Christians truly experience Christ. They go to Church on Sunday, going through the motions, and then live life pretty normally throughout the week.     Life with Christ is an adventure and…    read more 

Kentucky Snowfall

March 18, 2011 |

I love shooting snowscapes, beautiful light just seems to create itself as it leaps and bounces off the snow and trees. Snow is a such fascinating phenomenon of nature, something that never ceases to amaze me. The way it gently floats to the earth, yet over relatively short periods of time can cover whole cities and towns with many feet of its airy lightness.The Bible has much to say about snow. Here are a few of my favorites. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7 Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word! Psalm 148:7-8 Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red…    read more 


Beautifully Designed Christian Wallpapers

February 16, 2011 |

Although Christian designers can derive inspiration from almost everything, the Bible is our greatest source of inspiration. The Bible is filled with life changing words that can also be translated into beautiful eye-catching wallpapers. The wallpapers allow us to experience the Word of God in a whole new light. We collected some beautiful wallpapers below, remember to share them with someone today.         [sam id=3 codes=’false’]             [sam id=3 codes=’false’]         [sam id=3 codes=’false’]              

Remember Your Creator

February 4, 2011 |

We should remember our Creator, looking to Him for grace and strength. Not just in time of need, but we should see it as always a time of need, especially for Him and the things of Him and for Him, through the good and through the sad. Daily seeking Him for His will in our lives, with our whole heart and all that is within us, to make His desires become ours. We are not our own, we have no right to ourselves. God made you and I; He is our Creator. He made us that we may be happy, but we can be happy only in him. And as He created us, so Jesus preserves you and I. The Lord feeds, clothes, upholds us. Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find…    read more 

Learning to Be Content

January 24, 2011 |

Today I wish to talk to you about something that I think that we all struggle with in life, and that is being content. I am going to start out by saying that I have been a horrible example as one who is content in my past. I have been driving for 5 years and I have had 5 different vehicles, none of them have been totaled. Arguable, my first few cars were not so great, but my fourth was a ’99 Honda Civic with relatively low kilometers. It was a great car that would have lasted me a long time but I had always wanted a Honda Prelude. So I sold my Civic and went a few months without a car so that I could save to get a Prelude. I ended up with exactly what I was looking for, a well-maintained, low kilometer, eucalyptus green pearl Prelude. So…    read more 

Oh! To Be A Tree!

November 26, 2010 |

Growing up, in my own strength, tall and high, fighting, struggling, wanting. Then cut down, short and flat, just like all the others around me. What am I to do? I want to be tall, like those trees. How’d they do it? So I grow again, taking in my nutrients from the world, taking it all in, just like everybody else. So we grow, big and tall, and I begin to think, “maybe, this time, I will grow tall like those trees”. Then, from behind, comes the sound, the whir, the growl, the blade, cutting all my competition down flat. It passes by, and still I stand, tall and proud. But O, horror, here it comes again, cutting, biting, throwing a cloud of my neighbors to the left of me. I am short and squat once again, and so I fall in despair I crumble, for I will never be…    read more 

What if Christianity is True?

November 22, 2010 |

The other day I was talking to a co-worker about faith and she asked the question what if nothing of what I believe is real? And to be honest, if that were the case, I would have no regrets. I lived an awesome, healthy life doing my best to make the world around me a better place. I think the question that people should really be worried about is what if Christianity is true? What if there is a God who is going to judge us when we die? It says in the Bible that our time on earth will seem like a blink of an eye compared to eternity. Is it really worth living life exactly how we want to for maybe 80 years or so and then spend the rest of eternity paying for it? However, it is so much more than a get out of jail free…    read more 


When Friend Rise up Against Friend!

November 19, 2010 |

I was reading this scripture passage from Psalms 41:9 this morning. This verse just stuck out to me as never before. It reminded me of Jesus and Judas, the one who clearly betrayed Jesus, who supped with the Lord at His table. Jesus knew the thoughts and intents of his heart, for the Lord knows what is in the heart of all men and women. Judas supped with Jesus, he was right there with the other disciples, why such betrayal? Do we know why? The Bible tells us such. Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me. Psalm 41:9 As I pondered on the verse, It remind me of how the Lord reveals to us, His children, when we wholeheartedly seek His face for guidance, for His truth in all matters, all areas of our lives. Including when we pray…    read more 

Modern Day Prophecies

November 15, 2010 |

About a year ago as I got off the bus, two Mormon missionaries standing at the intersection started talking to me. They offered me some reading materials but I refused them and told them that I was a Christian. We spent few minutes discussing our different beliefs. They said, “Just like in the Old Testament times there were prophecies, God sent prophecies to speak again to us about 200 years ago.” I asked them, “Why did God decide not to talk to us through prophecies in those 1,800 years between the ministry of Christ on earth and 200 years ago?” There were no answers. In the summer (I think) of 2006 a friend in Windsor, Ontario took me and my uncle and his wife to her church. It was a small church and I had never been there before. As soon as the service ended this old woman came directly…    read more 

The Chicken Came First!

Ever heard something that just made you chuckle, and at the same time, warm your heart so much you gave praise and thanks to God? We were watching the news yesterday when the upcoming headline was announced, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?“. The headline left me waiting for the answer as they switched to commercial. While we waited for the news to return, I said to my brother, “Here they go again with these wasted researches that we already have an answer to, the chicken came first, don’t they know that?”. My brother and I had a nice laugh, then reflected on why we knew the chicken came first; I explained that maybe everyone does not know the reason why we have that conclusion in our heads, but it just seemed so obvious to us. Bible believing Christians would agree with me that the chicken had to…    read more