Drinking the Refreshing Water of Eternal Life

May 25, 2011| Brandon.Peters

I have been thinking lately, isn’t it weird that so many celebrities and people who win the lottery end up in such a mess? They have everything that life can offer, the best of everything we are chasing, yet they end up in rehab or simply just losing it. Mel Gibson, Lindsay Lohan, Elvis, Tiger Woods, the list goes on and on.

All of these celebrities have been at the top of the world at some point but all of them have ended up worse off in the end. I almost think it’s a blessing that us “normal” people can’t ever end up rich enough to acquire all of our desires. It’s weird that this is what happens to our role models yet we keep striving to be like them.

Slowing Things Down... By Brandon.Peters

Slowing Things Down... By Brandon.Peters


How can I show you that there is something far better out there? How can I explain the true joy I have found in simply being content with what I have and who I am? I don’t think I’ll ever discover the answers to these questions and it frustrates me to no end. I can only hope that one day, when all else has failed you, you will remember these words and search for the Light…

“But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” -John 4:14

Godserv Designs

Categories: Insights, Inspiration

One thought on “Drinking the Refreshing Water of Eternal Life”

  1. Grapixia

    The God of the Bible leads to life everlasting, but we humans do not want that! we prefer to go the path of lies and destruction, so unfortunate, but thank God for giving us a way out through Jesus!

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