Knowledge Shall Increase

July 15, 2011| Legion of Skills

Knowledge Shall Increase by loswl

This Inspirational Art was done on a whim after I was viewing entire photo groups on Flickr with Piclens. I actually looked at a lot of great photos very fast. Last year this was impossible!! least I did not know about Piclens then.

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4

We have so much knowledge at our disposal now more than ever, with Google, Wiki and all the social networks out there, and not to mention all the modern inventions which have only taken place since the 19th century…it’s unbelievable!! The Lord never leave his people blind to what is going to happen, the only people who are blind to what is happening are unbelievers. It was the same way when Jesus came to earth. The Old Testament includes about sixty different prophecies, with more than 300 references, of the coming of the Messiah. The only people that seemed to know about His coming was Mary, Joseph and two years later the wise men. People speculate that the people living back then were either dumb or they just did not study their scripture? but they were very smart people in those times .eg the Scribes, but God only opened the eyes of those he choose.

And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 9-10

The Books were closed by Daniel; but was later revealed by John in the Book of Revelation (The unveiling). Why do I say that technological advancement is one of the clear signs of what Daniel 12:4 was speaking about?, because:

The Book was sealed but God continued to give Daniel a few more nuggets of what is going to happen, including men going to and fro, increase of knowledge and the abomination of desolation, which some believe to be the Destruction of the Jewish Temple by the Romans in 70 AD. (or it could be when the Antichrist sets himself up as God in the soon to be rebuilt Temple.)


Knowledge Shall Increase by loswl

Knowledge Shall Increase by loswl


Here are some major advances that has happened since the 19th Century:

  1. Increase of Travel: (men going to and fro) when Daniel wrote the book the major mode of travel basically remained the same (horse back and carriage, about 30 miles per hour) until the 19th century. The 19th century brought us the car and airplanes (hundreds of mile per hour). There will be a billion cars on the road by 2025. The Boeing 47 can carry more than 400 passengers and can fly 8,300 miles without refueling. Space travel has allowed men to go around the earth in 80 minutes; all in our lifetime! and we now have our eyes set on Mars!
  2. Increase in Knowledge: At the time of Daniel up to the 18th century, we didn’t even have the printing press (availability of knowledge was very limited). The 19th century has brought us a knowledge boom, like never before.
  3. The total storage of Knowledge is doubling every 8 years. b) 80% of all the scientist who ever lived are alive today.
  4. Every minute 2,000 pages are added to man’s scientific knowledge.
  5. The scientific material produced in 1 day would take 1 person 5 years to read.
  6. About 1/2 million books are published each year.
  7. A weekday of any major newspaper has more information than the average person living in the 17th century would have come across in a lifetime.
  8. The internet allows thousands of international newspaper to be available at our finger tips.
  9. We are now able to clone animals and human beings.
  10. We now have computer processors that are dual core, quad core and eight core, hundred and thousand core are coming soon.
  11. The fastest computer in the world can peak at 2 petaflops per second (that is 2 quadrillion operations per second).
  12. There is now a Chip called the “MU Chip” that is half the size of a grain of sand, that can be tracked globally and is to be implemented in all products by 2017. And the list can go on and on, the point is, Technology has increased and continue to increase exponentially.

This generation has seen Bible prophecy come through right before our very eyes. Thank God for His words of wisdom that never changes. Just make my heart fill with joy because it is getting closer and closer to His return. 🙂

What do you think are the major misconceptions that scoffers and some Christians have about the return of Christ? Do you think we are living in the last days. Are you prepared for His return by believing on Jesus.

Godserv Designs

Categories: Insights, Inspiration

2 thoughts on “Knowledge Shall Increase”

  1. MarciaJ

    A tremendous work. The simplicity in how you communicated the idea of knowledge increasing is what gets me. I do believe Daniel was speaking on this present day occurrence and yet, also touching on the fact that people are searching for prophetic knowledge from the bible now more than ever.

  2. Godserv

    This is hot. Very Hot. The simple implementation of these two photos is just breath taking. I keep coming back to take another look – can’t get it out of my head and I don’t want it out :). Thanks for this inspiring post.

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