
Indie Font

67 Indie Font by Rook Design

September 19, 2017 |

67 Indie Font by Rook Design Indie Font showcase – Rook Design Supply is one of our favorite designers we are absolutely delighted to introduce his very own showcase with us! Packed with tonnes of edgy fonts with a vintage charm, this is definitely a great collection to add to your toolkit! This showcase is pack full of of 67 fonts from 20 gorgeous font families by the talented Greg Nicholls.  1. Freshly Squeezed by Rook Design Supply WHATS INCLUDED? Freshly Squeezed (OTF & TTF Format) Freshly Squeezed Caps (OTF & TTF Format) Freshly Squeezed Alternates (OTF & TTF Format) Freshly Squeezed Extra Elements (OTF & TTF Format) Web fonts included (EOT, SVG, WOFF & WOFF2 Files) An installation guide for both Windows and Mac computers. Commercial License & Lifetime Download Guarantee Unlimited Free Support 100% Accessible to Everyone Indie Font Bundle   2. Postmark by Rook Design Supply WHATS INCLUDED? Postmark (OTF & TTF Format) Postmark…    read more 


God Answers Prayers Faithfully and Lovingly

March 3, 2014 |

This evening I was driving home from work and listening to the Joy 1250 radio station. There was a Christian program hosting Joni Eareckson Tada, a Christian lady who in 1967–at the age of 17 years old–became quadriplegic due to a diving accident. She said something that encouraged me to share with you my experience of God’s faithfulness in answering prayers. She said that prior to the accident she prayed that God would deepen her relationship with Him, but that she did not expect it to happen this way—she wasn’t thinking ‘paralysis’! But God used her paralysis to answer her prayer and she is so much closer to Him today than she ever could. Ten years ago I prayed a simple sincere prayer. I asked God, “Lord, I want to experience the love You have for mankind. I don’t want to only experience Your love for me but I also…    read more 


2014 Resolution: To Think More Critically

What is it about a new year that prompts us to make resolutions? What grounds  justifies this annual pastime beyond empty traditionalism and wishful thinking? Just think about it, what really makes the last day of 2013 drastically different from the 1st day of 2014 to warrant resolutions? Try making sense of the difference between any two successive days beyond our conventional name change and day-related routines without mumbling “well, aahm, you see, I, I, my, my…” The future is uncertain and puzzling and each of us is largely unpredictable in terms of behavior. Desire is not the same as ability to perform so what’s the real value of new year’s resolution as opposed to any other day’s resolutions? One thing I would hope we all resolve to do for life is to think about issues more critically, that is to apply the basic principles of logic in any argument…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 11 – The Study of Cells

Lets talk about creationism versus the theory of evolution in regard to the various disciplines of science. We have already spoken of the astronomical side of this question. We will now consider the study of cells. These cells make up every living thing. What evidence is there in this area, which will settle the question of evolutionism versus creationism? If the theory of evolution is correct, then the accidental synthesis of the DNA molecule had to have taken place. As biological science learns more and more about the complexity of the cellular structure, the realization that this feat is impossible has set in. The DNA molecule can only be replicated in the presence of certain enzymes; numerous, complicated enzymes. Those enzymes themselves can only be replicated in the presence of DNA molecules. So, which came first, the chicken or the egg? It is not enough to `simply` synthesize the DNA…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 10 – The Religion of Evolution

Next we will discuss “The Religion of Evolution”. First, a definition from Webster`s New World dictionary: Religion – a. A belief in a supernatural power; b. an expression of this belief in conduct or ritual; c. a specific system of belief or worship involving a code of ethics; d. an object that is zealously pursued. Obviously, if you are a creationist, one or more of these definitions would apply to you. You would probably believe that this supernatural power created all things. You should have a code of conduct that you try to make an integral part of your life, as outlined in the Bible, at least for all of us in attendance here. Also, you should also believe that this supernatural power, having created this magnificent universe, also has the power to override what we would call infallible physical laws. These “overrides” are called “miracles” by most people. Does…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 7 – The Young Earth

The Bible teaches that the Heavens, Earth, and all life on Earth was created by direct acts of God during a relatively short period, calculated to be sometime between 5,700 and 10,000 years ago, by Biblical scholars. The Genesis accounts of Creation teaches us that God created the Earth in six 24-hour days, taking a literal interpretation of the Genesis accounts of creation. The evolutionary consensus, supported by a 2006 statement by 68 national and international science academies, is that it is “evidence-based fact” that the universe has existed for around 15 billion years, that the Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago with life appearing at least 2.5 billion years ago. Evolutionist would go as far as to laugh at those who believe that the earth is much younger than what we have been taught under the guise of science. Now, 5,700 to 10,000 years is a very,…    read more 

Spectacular Photos of Creation

Spectacular Photos of Creation-Part 1

August 31, 2011 |

These photos are just a small snippet of Creation, they show the awesome Power and Magnificence of God. Take some time to look around your environment and you will see His handy work. Thank Him and Praise Him for what He has done. Our prayer is that you will draw closer to Him and your relationship will be strengthened. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.,And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 6 – Billions of Years

One of the things we have been pounded with is the amount of time necessary to allow mutations to produce modern-day species. The evolutionists are desperately looking for time, because if you can produce enough time, you can hide the many weaknesses of the theory of evolution. But eons of time are an absolute necessity, simply because of the amount of mutations necessary, as we saw in the previous post. There are a number of `clocks` that are used to judge the age of the universe. We will see whether or not these `clocks` are reliable. We will see whether or not the universe is really as old as the theory of evolution postulates.     The first is radio-metric dating. Potassium argon or uranium lead is used to determine how old something is. Carbon-14 is radioactive carbon. Carbon normally has 12 electrons, but occasionally a carbon atom has 14…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 3 – The Age of the Universe

In accepting the theory of evolution, we are asked to accept as fact many other theories. Evolution is not one theory, but a complex series of theories. It is based upon many preconceived `facts`. Any time someone begins piling theory upon theory, the stack of theories becomes like a chain. The failure of any one theory can easily nullify the others. In `believing` in evolution, we are asked to believe that all of the different forms of life on earth began from a `primeval soup`. No one knows where this `soup` was, or what happened to it. No one can say what happened to suddenly bring forth life from the `soup`. What evidence is there to prove or disprove the theory of evolution?  Is evolution a workable explanation for the origin of the Universe, the planet Earth or Life?   Were The Universe, The Solar System, The Earth, and Life…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 2 – Fossil Evidence

Evolution for the most part is based on one’s interpretation of sedimentary strata and the fossils found therein. Those who believe in Evolution appear to be convinced that the fossils found in rock layers all over the earth are the definite proof that creatures have been evolving upward into higher life forms over hundreds of millions of years. Evolutionists declare this process has been taking place through “natural selection” and “mutation”, which leaves behind in its wake, the old models, so to say, which are replaced by higher forms of life. You will find that the mindless processes that are alleged to take place in and through Evolution are nothing more than a fantasy that has been thought out by men who have rejected the Bible and the one and only true God of Creation. Below we will discuss a few of the fossil evidences and a few biological facts…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 1- The Origin of Life

What is life? Is it just having the right combinations of proteins in just the right order? Is a man nothing more than a collection of substances and chemicals that happened to somehow `become alive`? Evolutionists claim that the process of life was started by some unknown process, millions (or billions) of years ago. This is the foundation of the evolutionary theory. Is there proof that this is really what happened? One of the greatest weaknesses of evolutionary theory is that there are too many forms of life to have happened by chance, and the building blocks of life are too complex to have just somehow `happened`. Could a cell by chance come into being that “has the DNA instructions to fill one thousand 600-page books?” -(National Geographic).   Examples: 1. Research has shown that the requirements for life are so complex that chance and even billions of years could…    read more 

Scientific Accuracy in the Bible Revealed

The Bible is not primarily a book of science, but it does contain numerous scientific facts. We laugh at some of the scientific data that was available  just a few hundred years ago. If man alone were the author of the Bible, we would expect to find many such errors contained in it. However, if we examine the scientific data of the Bible and find it to be accurate to present-day scientific laws, then we have powerful evidence for divine inspiration given by God to the authors. The scientific data found in the Bible are not only accurate, but were revealed thousands of years before man discovered them for himself. The Bible does not contain any errors typical of the time in which it was written. Would we expect anything less from a book inspired by God? The scriptures are replete with statements suggesting scientific knowledge which predates the corresponding…    read more 

Historical Accuracy of the Bible

The Historical Accuracy of the Bible Revealed

Historical Accuracy of the Bible Revealed Historical Accuracy of the Bible Revealed – To be divinely inspired, a book must be historically accurate.  For if its credibility cannot be established on the basis of known events, it certainly cannot be relied upon as an adequate guide in matters beyond our ability to check.  On the other hand, if we can demonstrate that such a book is correct in historical matters, to an extent unknown among human writings, then we have strong evidence that the authors were inspired by God.  In this lesson we shall learn that this is true of the Bible. The Bible is it’s own best defense – John McArthur Down through the centuries, enemies of the Bible have attacked its historical accuracy.  Time after time, the Scriptures have been thus questioned, only later to be shown correct by archaeology.  Archaeology is a study of relics, monuments, tombs,…    read more 

Create A Planetary Star Field in Photoshop

Create A Planetary Star Field in Photoshop: In this tutorial we’ll learn how to create a Planetary Star Field using masks and a few star brushes. Photoshop brushes are very powerful, they can simulate real life objects, like trees, birds and in our case, a Planetary Star Field. You can find many free brushes online at places like Brusheezy and Deviant Art. While this is a fairly simple process to achieve, there are a few tips and tricks that can be applied to any project to increase productivity and enhance the realism of your scene. Lets get started! Inspiration This tutorial was inspired by Tyler van der Hoeven’s Image called Star Field. Thanks to Tyler for graciously allowing me to use his high-resolution photo in the process of recreating the image. The image reminded me of Psalm 19:1-4 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work…    read more 

Everything’s A Little Blurry

I have spent a lot of time thinking mostly about the future. For a long time I have had a plan in my mind about how my future was going to work out. As you who are older and/or wiser than me know, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” This has been a hard experience but it has also been a very healthy one. It was good to step back and take a look at life after the future I thought was so certain, vanished. I realized that God was simply a part of my plan and that ultimately I was still living life for myself. I wanted to live out my life how I had planned it and I essentially told God that He could come along for the ride, because I wanted some of Him in my life. I realized though that it’s…    read more 

Famine of the Word

March 4, 2011 |

I found myself being still before the Lord today, seeking His face about something that took place and I was reminded of this scripture today as I sat still before the Lord. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Amos 4:6 O my! The Bible is filled with so much, so much to learn, to inquire of the Lord and so much revealed to us in His word. My people perish and are destroyed, wow, those words alone are a mighty mouthful. They were once His people yet they are destroyed. Destroyed and perish without the knowledge of the Living God. The True knowledge of Who He is, God. A Mighty and Sovereign God, we are all called to serve in this earth. The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land–not a famine of food or a thirst for water,…    read more 


Beautifully Designed Christian Wallpapers

February 16, 2011 |

Although Christian designers can derive inspiration from almost everything, the Bible is our greatest source of inspiration. The Bible is filled with life changing words that can also be translated into beautiful eye-catching wallpapers. The wallpapers allow us to experience the Word of God in a whole new light. We collected some beautiful wallpapers below, remember to share them with someone today.         [sam id=3 codes=’false’]             [sam id=3 codes=’false’]         [sam id=3 codes=’false’]              

How to Shoot Star Trails

December 15, 2010 |

How to Shoot Star Trails: In this tutorial we’ll leave the computer and head out into the wild. I’ll be explaining the processes I use to shoot star trails images. So what is a star trails image? A star trails image is created by setting a camera on a tripod and opening its shutter for at least an hour. The rotation of the Earth makes the stars appear to travel in circles, and how do you shoot it exactly? Well, that’s just what this tutorial is going to explain to us, so lets get out there! [sociallocker]   Examples Star Trails Photography     [/sociallocker]

A Dreamer – Saved to Share The Gospel

October 11, 2010 |

In my previous post A Dreamer – Escaping The Brokenness of Life, I shared with you a little of my life leading up to me being saved and being blessed with a spirit filled husband, today I will share how The Holy Spirit has blessed me with different gifts in order to share the Gospel. I’m a dreamer. I also am given many visions from the Lord. These are gifts from the Holy Spirit, yes. Joel speaks of this [ Joel 2:28 ] and again in  Acts. [ Acts 2:17 ] The journey in Jesus and this walk, is painful and joyous. That is truth. Persecution has come in all different, shapes and sizes. but the outcome of these trials and tribulations is this. Jesus is LORD and He is KING! I become stronger in Christ. To press toward the higher calling in Christ Jesus. To persevere in Him. I…    read more 

Breathtaking Creattica Images Inspired by Nature

September 10, 2010 |

One of the things that continues to inspire artist is the natural things around us. Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical world, or material world. As we look around us we are inspired by all the beauty that God has created for us to enjoy, water, fire,  plants, animals, birds, fishes, clouds, rainbows, etc. God has given us the ability to imagine and design varied amount of images, in our minds and these images spill out on the canvas as beautiful pieces of art. Creattica a gallery of great design and inspirational imagery showcases the artwork  of some amazing artist. Below you will find some breathtaking images from their archives inspired by nature. Enjoy! [sam id=3 codes=’false’]   [sam id=3 codes=’false’] [sam id=3 codes=’false’]  

The Chicken Came First!

Ever heard something that just made you chuckle, and at the same time, warm your heart so much you gave praise and thanks to God? We were watching the news yesterday when the upcoming headline was announced, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?“. The headline left me waiting for the answer as they switched to commercial. While we waited for the news to return, I said to my brother, “Here they go again with these wasted researches that we already have an answer to, the chicken came first, don’t they know that?”. My brother and I had a nice laugh, then reflected on why we knew the chicken came first; I explained that maybe everyone does not know the reason why we have that conclusion in our heads, but it just seemed so obvious to us. Bible believing Christians would agree with me that the chicken had to…    read more 

Powerful images of Beautiful Cloud Formations

June 25, 2010 |

Clouds are always interesting to look at, most times we can see different shapes in them that captures our imaginations, but what exactly are clouds?, how are they made?. On Earth the condensing substance that form clouds is typically water vapor, which forms small droplets or ice crystals. When surrounded by billions of other droplets or crystals they become visible as clouds. Dense deep clouds exhibit a high reflectance throughout the visible range of wavelengths; they therefore appear white, at least from the top. Cloud droplets tend to scatter light efficiently, so that the intensity of the solar radiation decreases with depth into the gases, hence the gray or even sometimes dark appearance at the cloud base. Thin clouds may appear to have acquired the color of their environment or background and clouds illuminated by non-white light, such as during sunrise or sunset, may appear colored accordingly. Clouds look darker…    read more 


Massive Roundup of Christian Cell Phone Wallpapers

November 26, 2009 |

Christian Cell Phone Wallpapers – Cell Phone wallpapers are pretty cool, if you do a search on Google, you will find that there are plenty out there for the masses. Inspiks however, decided to create a Christian Cell Phone Wallpaper group over at Flickr. We also have a Cell Phone Wallpaper Gallery here on our blog, which features nearly 100 wallpapers and growing. Below you will find some of the best wallpapers from our Flickr group members and some from our own graphic designers. Download and share them. If you want to create a great wallpaper and share it in our Flickr group, here is a great Photoshop template for starter, have fun and remember to share them! [singlepic=397,100,100] [download id=5] Light of The World by pk Christmas by josephreygan Day  by loswl Creation: DMK  by loswl Got Jesus by jorgeabalderas Bring Them Home Lord! by godserv Newness of Life by…    read more 

The Reliability of The Bible

I can certainly understand why some people do not trust the Bible and the many translations that have been done. With a little understanding of the History of the Bible and how much pain, hard work and dedication that went into making the translations accurate, you would then see that the Bible is the most accurate piece of historical document that man has in his possession. I am not just saying this because I am a Christian, here are the facts, the only book that comes close as far as accuracy is the manuscripts (copies) of “Homer” (writer of the Trojan Horse) These writings were copied 500 years between the times of the original documents. Six hundred and forty three (643) copies still exist and the writings are 95% correct. The original document was written 900 B.C. the earliest copy was done about 400 B.C. Compare those stats to the…    read more