Search Results: creation

Genesis creation narrative

Genesis Creation Narrative by Hidetsugu Murakami

January 13, 2012 |

The Genesis Creation Narrative by Hidetsugu Murakami is a brilliant animation sequence that chronicles the Genesis account of Creation. The smooth animation and transitions are mesmorizing and effective in taking a long story and breaking it down in a short and beautiful composition. Only issue i found with this video is the fact that the small text is very hard to read, but if you know the Genesis story, then you won’t miss a beat, check it out!    


A New Creation in Christ

January 2, 2012 |

When I took this photo of the white flower I remembered how in Christ we are new creation. But here I would like to just talk about the joy of being new creation in Christ, because it seems that joy is the first gift Christ gives us through the Holy Spirit when we surrender our lives to Him. Here is a little story… In the summer of 2003, I had just graduated from high school and by then I was in Canada for 4 years, I decided to find Christian chat rooms online. I had never been to a chat room before (or since) but I really wanted to join one because I needed spiritual advice on how to overcome lust, and I didn’t have any other source of help. So I went to MSN chat rooms (been closed for a while now) and I looked through few Christian chat…    read more 

Evolutionary Tales Exposed: Part 8 – Creation Demands vs Evolutionary Demands

Now let`s consider the demands of creation versus the demands of the theory of evolution. First, creation demands the presence of a Creator. The theory of evolution demands the absence of a creator. Second, creation demands the creation of matter. The theory of evolution has no explanation for the origin of matter. Third, as for the time span of the existence of the universe, creation demands the time span of recorded history. The theory of evolution demands eons of time, billions of years. Fourth, creation demands a `spirit world`. That is, the presence of a `higher power`, one who created this universe and governs its operation. This `higher power` is the giver of life. The theory of evolution does not allow for a higher power or a giver of life. The theory of evolution says life emerged spontaneously from non-living matter. Fifth, there is the fossil record. Creation demands a…    read more 

Spectacular Photos of Creation

Spectacular Photos of Creation-Part 1

August 31, 2011 |

These photos are just a small snippet of Creation, they show the awesome Power and Magnificence of God. Take some time to look around your environment and you will see His handy work. Thank Him and Praise Him for what He has done. Our prayer is that you will draw closer to Him and your relationship will be strengthened. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.,And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the…    read more 

Creation Tidbits – The Woodpecker

December 20, 2010 |

Woodpeckers are one of Gods amazing creatures, they are a very special family of birds found worldwide, except for Australia and New Zealand, Madagascar, and the extreme polar regions. Most species live in forests or woodland habitats, although a few species are known to live in treeless areas such as rocky hillsides and deserts. The diet of woodpeckers consists mainly of insects and their grubs taken from living and dead trees, along with fruit, nuts and sap from live trees. Their role ecologically is geared towards keeping trees healthy by keeping them from suffering mass infestations. The family is noted for its ability to acquire wood-boring grubs using their bills for hammering, but overall the family is characterized by its dietary flexibility, with many species being both highly omnivorous and opportunistic. What’s so special about the Woodpecker? Many of the foraging, breeding and signaling behaviors of woodpeckers involve drumming and…    read more 

Creation Tidbits – The Hoatzin Bird

November 3, 2010 |

The Hoatzin, the national bird of Guyana, is an unusual species of tropical bird found in swamps, riverine forest and mangroves of the Amazon and the Orinoco delta in South America. The scientific classification of this family of birds has been greatly debated, and is still far from clear. It is a roughly pheasant-sized bird, with a long neck and small head. It is brown in color, with paler underparts and has an un-feathered blue face with maroon eyes, and its head is topped by a spiky, rufous crest.  It is called Stinkbird, the name is related to a strong smell the bird produces, perhaps due to the consumption of leaves. Even though these birds are very attractive and are not great fliers, they are not considered endangered, its survival seems to be more assured than that of many other birds in its geographic location, this  is mostly due to…    read more 

Creation The Dawn of Mankind

August 4, 2010 |

The book, “Creation, The Dawn of Mankind” by Mark Taylor, presents a fresh look at an old story, the story of man’s beginning, as recorded in the book of Genesis. Genesis gives a compelling answer to man’s greatest question, “where did we come from?” The book is illustrated in a comic format using unique full color artwork, created with 3d and 2d software. It captures the wonder of creation and the fact that God made it all for man, His ultimate creation. God’s plan of salvation is revealed in the story and we get to see the loving grace and mercy of God, to His fallen and disobedient children. Read and Share it today. Click the lower right edge of the Flash Book after it is loaded. Book also available in paperback on Blurb Why Did I Write The Book? As a kid, I often pondered the question of, “how…    read more 

Creation Tidbits – The Macaws

February 9, 2010 |

  Macaws are the largest and the brightest in the parrot family. They are easy to recognize, because they are big colorful birds. Macaws live in the tropical parts of South, Central America.  The biggest macaw’s wingspan is around four feet, the smallest macaws wingspan is fifteen inches. Most species are associated with forest, especially rainforest, but others prefer woodland or savannah-like habitats. Macaw Wings by ravi.k Some of the macaw species are known for their impressive size. The largest parrot in length and wingspan is the Hyacinth Macaw. The heaviest macaw is the Buffon’s, although the heaviest parrot is the flightless Kakapo. Macaw Cleaning by royal19 Scarlet Macaw – Macaw Mountain Bird Park -by Adalberto H. Vega What’s So Special About The Macaws? Macaws eat poisonous berry seeds  as a main part of their diet, they also eat a clay that absorbs the poison and provides much needed minerals…    read more 

Creation Tidbits – The Giraffe

January 8, 2010 |

The giraffe is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest of all land-living animal species that exist today, and the largest ruminant. Males can be 16 to 18 feet tall and weigh up to 3,800 pounds. The record-sized bull, shot in Kenya in 1934 was 19.2 ft tall and weighed approximately 4,400 lb. Females are generally slightly shorter, and weigh less than the males do . The giraffe is related to deer and cattle, Its range extends from Chad to South Africa. Giraffes can inhabit savannas, grasslands, or open woodlands. They prefer areas enriched with acacia growth. They drink large quantities of water and, as a result, they can spend long periods of time in dry, arid areas. When searching for more food they will venture into areas with denser foliage. Many people think that giraffes are mute. This is a myth. though normally silent, calves bleat and make a…    read more 

Spectacular Photos of Creation-Part 3

September 15, 2009 |

This post continues our Spectacular Photos of Creation series, we have looked at many photos, and yet, we have seen just a small sample of the majesty of what was created. There are so many animals, birds and fishes, it is beyond our imagination, and to think, some of the animals that were created are already extinct. and we are still discovering unknown species in the rain forest and in the depths of the ocean. As you reflect upon the work of God, take time out to give him thanks and praise! For this is what the LORD says—He who created the heavens, He is God; He who fashioned and made the earth, He founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: “I am the LORD, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:18 Cow Lomo by Skinnyde For every beast…    read more 

Spectacular Photos of Creation-Part 2

August 15, 2009 |

Photography is a great way to capture a moment in time, they capture nature in all of its glory! and magnificence!. Today’s photos stand alone as some of the most spectacular images of creation, that display nature at its best, from brilliant starry galaxies to rainbow colored birds. This is a continuation of our “Spectacular Photos of Creation” series, if you missed the first one you can link back here. Feast your eyes and enjoy! “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.” Genesis 1:14-15 DSS2_WikiSky by keeperlink Hubble Beauty by TopTechWriter.US Hubble 44 by The Best of Hubble’s Shots Hubble 51…    read more 

Marveling at God's Grand Design: A Humble Reflection on Human Size in the Cosmos

Marveling at God’s Grand Design: A Humble Reflection on Human Size in the Cosmos

February 4, 2024 |

Our celebration of love, usually draws our attention to matters of the heart. In a similar vein, contemplating the vastness of the cosmos can lead us to appreciate the grandeur of God’s Grand Design and His boundless love for us. As we explore the relative size of human beings compared to heavenly bodies, we’ll be guided by the inspiring words of Psalms 8:3-6 and other scriptures. The Marvel of Proportions – God’s Grand Design Psalms 8:3-6 (ESV) declares, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” This sentiment echoes as we consider the sheer vastness of the cosmos. Graphical Representation – God’s Grand Design To aid our understanding, See below, a captivating video by Global Data, showcasing…    read more 

Flowers in The Bible: Their Beauty and Symbolism

Flowers in The Bible: Their Beauty and Symbolism

December 29, 2023 |

Welcome to a journey through the lush gardens of the Bible, where flowers in the bible bloom with profound symbolism and offer us glimpses of God’s awe-inspiring creation. Each petal whispers a story, each bloom a testament to the divine artistry that surrounds us. Join me as we explore the bounty and beauty of God’s garden. 1. Lily (Lilium): In the Song of Solomon, we encounter the Lily, symbolizing purity and beauty. “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys” (Song of Solomon 2:1). Like the Lily, may our lives bloom with the fragrance of righteousness. 2. Rose (Rosa): Isaiah paints a poetic picture of the wilderness rejoicing and blossoming. “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom” (Isaiah 35:1-2). The Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the valleys, symbols of Christ’s beauty and love, grace these verses….    read more 

Do Not Worry: Trusting in God's Providence"

Do Not Worry: Trusting in God’s Providence”

December 26, 2023 |

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, the commandment to “not worry” may seem easier said than done. Yet, as Christians, we are called to trust in the Lord’s providence and find solace in His promises. Matthew 6:26 (ESV) serves as a powerful reminder of God’s care for His creation: “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Fluffy Pastel Bird Images were created on NightCafe Trusting in God’s Provision: This verse encourages us to reflect on the simple yet profound truth that God, as our heavenly Father, cares for His creation. The imagery of birds, which do not toil for their sustenance but are still provided for by God, reminds us that we, as children of God, are of much greater value to Him. This…    read more 

Cinematic Brilliance and Cosmic Reflections

Cinematic Brilliance and Cosmic Reflections: Unpacking ‘A Beautiful Mind’ and Life’s Wonders

December 25, 2023 |

The blog post by Bible Box Office, titled “What Can A Beautiful Mind Teach Us About Life?” invites readers on a captivating journey through the cosmic wonders inspired by the movie “A Beautiful Mind.” The introduction seamlessly integrates personal experiences, the movie clip featuring John Nash, and a profound exploration of the night sky. The author skillfully connects the beauty of nature with a broader philosophical and theological reflection, pondering the vastness of the universe and the age-old question of existence. By incorporating scientific facts about stars and galaxies, the post not only captures the reader’s imagination but also prompts contemplation about the source of creation, skillfully tying scientific wonder to spiritual awe. The engaging narrative style, coupled with the infusion of relevant biblical verses, sets the stage for a thought-provoking exploration of life’s mysteries and the awe-inspiring nature of the Creator. “Bible Box Office’s blog post, ‘What Can A…    read more 

He Did What?

He Did What?

March 18, 2023 |

Part One. Not so random thoughts on Ephesians 4:7-8 Can I just say that the message of the Bible is not tame? It is wilder and more wonderful than most of us dare to imagine. Meek and mild men are always seeking to soften it. Case in point? The multilayered message of Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. One might begin to tease apart the manifold layers of timeless truth by employing prepositions: What I mean to do by drawing attention to “God for you” is to highlight the ultimate plan/cosmic warfare aspect of the epistle. Paul strives to do much more than create a cozy little life for the Ephesian believers; He means to draw them into the eternal plan and overarching purpose of God. That purpose and plan are playing out right now as a hyper-galactic spiritual battle that stretches from one corner of creation to the other—but finds its focus on the earth.

Script fonts

15 Brilliant New Script Fonts

January 16, 2018 |

Script fonts or typefaces are based upon the varied and often fluid stroke created by handwriting. They are generally used for display or trade printing, rather than for extended body text in the Latin alphabet. Within this scope, script typeface are romantic, melodious, fancy, classic and modern. They have natural fluid flows that are attractive to the eyes and to the heart of the readers. Use script fonts for wedding, funerals, fashion showcases and any other events that needs a slick design. Here are 15 Brilliant New Script Fonts that you will enjoy using in your design projects.   The Charlotte Charlotte is a fun and sweet typeface with curly extra swashes Jealous Script Jealous Script is a wonderful font inspired by love, lust and desire. Jealous includes over 600 glyphs all accessible via character map or font book.  Sleep Lesson Sleep Lesson – A script font with a smooth handwritten…    read more 

Brilliant Font Bundle

Brilliant Font Bundle

August 31, 2017 |

Brilliant Font Bundle Brilliant Font Bundle contain 30 Brilliant Fonts for JUST $0.70 per font. This amazing Font Bundle come with 95% off the RRP and with a Premium License for Commercial Use! All of fonts in this Brilliant Font Bundle are PUA encoded and work with all software which allow you to change your font selection. Popular software packages which the products work with are: Cricut Design Space Silhouette Studio Inkscape Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Microsoft Software (word, excel, publisher etc) Scan N Cut SCAL Affinity Designer Corel And many many more! Get Brilliant Font Bundle for only $21! Worth $424 – Get The Font Bundle Before It Ends Stacked is a fun and unique font that comes with individual characters as well as 2-3 letters stacked together. You can mix and match until you find just the look you want. Works great for big, bold headers or typographic posters. Delight script a new fresh…    read more 

free fonts

18 Awesome Free Fonts

July 23, 2017 |

18 Awesome Free Fonts 18 Awesome Free Fonts is a collection of beautifully crafted free fonts for all your graphics projects. The free fonts list includes Craft, Retro, Brush Script, Grunge style that will add style and punch to your project. These free fonts can be used for personal or commercial usage. Qeyla Script is a hand lettered combined with a simple and beautiful, can be used as the title, signature, logo, correspondence, wedding invitations, letterhead, signage, labels, newsletters, posters, badges, etc. Loft Yian Script is a beautiful handwriting typeface. Perfect for many projects such as headings, signatures, logos, wedding invitations, t-shirts, letterheads, signages, labels. LaSpacino Typeface is handmade brush and marker handlettering. Combining strong, rough, bold,and brushy typography with many features inside. Suitable for posters, shirt, or any design requirements. Fanatic is, fun, modern, bold and multi-purpose typeface combines handwritten letters brush naturally. It is suitable for logos, packaging,…    read more 

38 Beautiful Static Church Slides

38 Beautiful Static Church Slides

December 30, 2016 |

Here are 38 Beautiful Static Church Slides that can help with your communications in your church services. Church slides can play a vital role in communicating information to your church family. Whether you’re displaying this loop of slides before your service begins, at certain times during your service, or even as people are leaving, they are a great way to get the word out about upcoming events. Bokeh Church Service Slide Template Bokeh Church Service Slide Template can be used for variety of event presentation. Welcome, Offering, Upcoming Events and Goodbye message is included in the full download. Design with various bokeh background color options; blue, orange, green and lavender. A great tool for church services. Get this Photoshop template and customize the slides for your church occasion. Focus Church Slide Template Focus Church Slide Template is for church sermon series, bible studies, new years church planning meetings and conventions dealing with the direction and mission of the…    read more 

FREE Photoshop Action Competition

FREE Photoshop Action Competition Win $2,000-worth of Prizes

FREE Photoshop Action Competition. Create and share digital artwork using a FREE Photoshop Action from top-selling GraphicRiver author SevenStyles and get the chance of winning $2,000-worth of prizes! What’s a Photoshop add-on? The  Photoshop Add-on category on GraphicRiver is home to over 13,000 Photoshop actions, tools, and plugins that can help to quickly enhance the visual appearance of your designs, images, and photos, within Photoshop. Whether its brushes, textures, styles, or actions, our add-ons category is an array of amazing Photoshop extensions to help create, inspire, and automate your work. Visitor: Entry from The FREE Photoshop Action Competition View the Top Selling Add-ons on GraphicRiver About SevenStyles The free Flex add-on, normally priced $6, will be completely free throughout the duration of this event, courtesy of best-selling GraphicRiver author SevenStyles. Having recently become the very first Power Elite author on GraphicRiver with over $1million in sales, SevenStyles Flex add-on is a…    read more 

Amazing Ticket Templates

Amazing Ticket Templates

Amazing Ticket Templates Most events need a ticket and each need to fit with that event. Here are a few Amazing Ticket Templates for Church and Fund Raising Events by Godserv that are sure to fit your occasion. Church banquets, art shows, anniversary celebration events, concert and more. These Amazing Ticket Templates are unique in their design and most are ready for perforation and numbering. Harvest Gala Ticket Template Harvest Gala Ticket Template is an Amazing Church Ticket Templates geared for church harvest celebration events. Great for banquets, Galas, Cantatas, Concerts, Sermons, or any event that needs an elegant ticket. The purple and gold colors combined with soft patterns makes this ticket elegant. 4 Alternate color options are included. Mass Choir Concert Ticket Template Mass Choir Concert Ticket Template is customized for church concert and non-profit organization events. Great for benefit fund-raisers, like concert, plays, talent searches and more. This ticket…    read more 

Black History Month Church Flyer Templates

Black History Month Church Flyer Templates

January 15, 2016 |

Black History Month Church Flyer Templates are perfect for contemporary church events. These Black History Month Church Flyer Templates are professional and inexpensive and are designed at high resolution and ready for any print production environment, each file is 300dpi in CMYK, including bleeds and Margins. The files are designed in Photoshop and have color-coded and labeled layers to facilitate easy editing. Check them out below! One Nation Black History Month Flyer One Nation Black History Month Flyer Template for Canva is Size 4×6 inches. The Black History Month Invitation postcard features a black grunge background with an African map. Red, Green, Gold, and black are used. Designed for Black History church sermons, Martin Luther King Jr Day, historical conferences, and historical classes but can also be used for other anniversary events. 3 color options are included to make it more flexible. Redeemed Black History Flyer Word Publisher Template Redeemed Black…    read more 

Genesis Theory by White Rabbit

The Genesis Theory by White Rabbit

January 12, 2016 |

The Genesis Theory Videos by White Rabbit gives a lot of relevant information to understand the theory. The Genesis Theory is a new theory to explain the origins of the universe and our place in it, in relation to the Scriptures. It’s a 2 part series with information from the scientific and theological community. Part one focuses on presenting relevant information needed to understand the theory. In this video, you will be exposed to many different lesser-known scientific theories. Part two will focus on the actual theory and will reference this video several times, in addition to introducing new concepts. A third video was scheduled by White Rabbit to explain the theory, but because of the complexity of the theory and the amount of information available, he decided to write a book instead. The Name of the book will be “The Genesis Theory, Challenging the Consensus of Our Origins”.

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