Old Habits Die Hard

June 20, 2008| Legion of Skills

Old Habits Die Hard by loswl

One day I was speeding, I was driving 90 mph in a 60 mph zone! Yes, I was going pretty fast!! Well the State Trooper saw me, pulled me over and slapped me with a ticket! The incident spoiled my whole evening. I had to go home and explain to my wife what had happened and just thinking about it made me feel sick to my stomach, I could have killed someone or myself.

I paid the ticket but a couple weeks after later I was driving on the I-95, this was going the speed limit, my car spun out in a light rain, that made the road slippery. My car was totaled!. This was a miracle in itself, because I was not hurt, not even a scratch.

About two months later after a long search for a new car, with a few dollars to spare, the Lord blessed me with a Ford Mustang, weeks later I got pulled over for speeding again close to the previous spot. This time I was going 75mph in a 60mph zone!!…Yeah, old habits die hard, I stayed in the car and prayed hard for the police not to give me another ticket, I did not want to go home again and tell my wife!! While I was praying I was reminded that my registration for the new car was not done yet!! Oh No!!my heart started pounding, then I relaxed and prayed harder, it seemed like an eternity for the cop to come back.

When the cop finally returned, he said:

” I am going to give you a break this time, but you need to slow down!! And by the way, you need to register your car!”

He gave me a stern look into my eyes and walked away.

Well, old habits die hard but they can fade away easily under the right circumstances. Since that day, I have slowed down when I am behind the wheels, I asked the Lord to work on me in that area of my life. Its harder now because my car is very powerful, but now I have a peace in my heart and I get where I am going on time without the rush. I was reminded of this scripture in Hebrews about obeying authority and rules.

Old Habits Die Hard by loswl

Old Habits Die Hard by loswl


“Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Hebrews 13:17

Do you have a testimony of how God delivered you out of your wayward ways? how do you feel about authority? whether it be, your teacher boss or pastor? We all have a story that can help someone else. The joy of being a Christian is the freedom we have in Christ and it’s delivered to us each day. Your testimony can go a long way to help deliver someone else. Feel free to share your experience in the comments section below.

Godserv Designs

Categories: Insights, Life With God

2 thoughts on “Old Habits Die Hard”

  1. Godserv

    That’s tight work. 3D in psd Wow!. Great story also a great inspirational scripture with the image. It brings to mind the many cops killed this year in our vicinity in FL. One got gunned down close to my work place by a coward.

    The bible is right, if we obey the law then life would be less stressful for the authority. However I realize that they stress us out too. They arrested and threw my friend in jail because they taught he was a murder suspect.

    This caused a lot of stress for his family and friends – he is out now but hates cops because of that one incident. So I think the respect should go both ways and that they should do there job carefully and properly.

    1. Ben Lind

      I definitely agree with that last point. Not only should we show respect to our leaders, they should also show us respect and pay attention to our wants and needs in a gracious manner. We may not get this until Heaven. 🙂

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